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All of the rest of them are idiots.
I know where she got the knife.
It's already been established that there's other dragons here.
I sighed as I held poor Starshine close, he'd passed out a while ago and Apple had made a makeshift bandage. Dove was nowhere to be found and Ray was grumbling to himself about Cactus.
I gently stroked the back of Starshine's head. He'd suffered the most of all of us, getting stabbed twice this week(? Maybe? I couldn't really tell how much time had passed since then...)
Sighing, I closed my eyes. It was getting dark out again, and I was getting really, really tired.

I was very much ready to ditch this worthless group. What didn't help my marvelous plans and ideas to leave, was MudWing pushover who was pointing a knife at me, the tip of the blade gently and occasionally grazing my neck as we walked deep into the forest of eerie-looking trees.
"Talk." He said suddenly, stopping. He hadn't spoke the whole entire time we'd been walking, so I was quite a bit surprised, and I walked into the knife a bit more than it should've been pressed into me, causing a small scratch on my scales. I froze, and took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm my anger. I knew what he wanted me to talk about, and he knew that I knew. However, he wasn't facing me; his head was tilted up towards the stars and moon above.
"She started getting aggressive with me." I said slowly. "Cyan. She began demanding I tell her about every little trip into the forest, and claimed some very.... accusatory things about me. I can see it in the look in her face, too. She just wants to spite me."
It wasn't fully a lie. Perhaps I might've exaggerated in the very slightest bit, but essentially, it was true. Rocky sighed audibly next to me and dropped the knife. It landed on my talons, making a small, accidental cut, but I was too surprised to react to the pain. I was sure that he would've kept it up to my neck the whole entire time.
"We can't let suspicion cause division between us." He sighed. "Just, why did you have to use violence? I don't know anything about you; for all we know, you could've been a murder before we all woke up here... it's just, why are you so secretive? I still don't trust you, but I know you'll have something to say too.... just, can you come clean to me about everything? They won't forgive you, but I will."
I gritted my teeth again. He really wasn't gonna be able to bring himself to hurt me. I should take the knife right now and stab the idiot.
But I didn't. I found myself spilling, giving him every detail.... well, most of them. I left out Dreamstalker and the exit. And I gave him some stupid excuse, basically a lie, for why I tried to hurt Cyan. But in all actuality, I hadn't meant to stab the little NightWing-SeaWing Hybrid. That was just a reflex.
Why I did this? Maybe, reflecting on it now, it was guilt.

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