Chapter: 3

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Chapter 3:

Colby: *picture attachment*

I can't look at it. I start freaking out and feeling like I'm gonna puke. Butterflies exploding in my stomach.

Emery: wow fuck you

It was just a blank screen.

Emery: you do be playing me

Colby: I'm just cautious. But I wouldn't mind more pics;)

Emery: you gotta earn it.

Colby: maybe someday, or irl

Emery: just talking to you I feel like I'm finna die. When we meet omg

Colby: it'll happen, but I won't let you die
I finally decided to get up. I look at the time, 11am, I've learn that this is the best time to get something to eat. I walk to my door, trying to turn the handle quietly so he doesn't hear. I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen as quiet as possible. I don't see him around at all. I grab a yogurt cup, and a granola bar and get the hell back in my room. I start walking up the stairs, making the mistake of slipping, creating noise.
"Emery?" I hear his dark voice call my name.
"Yes father?"
"What are you doing with all that food. You're getting fatter, you should start exercising."
I hold the tears back.
"Okay, I'll get on that"
He walks to me,
"Your thighs and stomach are so big"
He touches right below my butt and feels my thighs with both hands. It feels disgusting.
"I'm sorry"
"You gotta stay in shape for me"
"Yes father, may I go?"
He mumbles and I wish I could sprint up the stairs but I walk calmly. My legs shaking the whole way to my room, I shut the door, lock it and collapse to the ground. I've learned to cry silently so he doesn't hear. My phone dings three times in a row.

Colby: Emery you there?

Colby: are you okayyy

Colby: am I being annoying?

Emery: um uh yeah, and no you're not.

Colby: what's wrong?

I debate whether I should tell him, I don't have friends, and I haven't told anyone about this except my mom.

Emery: my dad is abusive. And he touches me sometimes, he's never got me or like done something horrible. But he abuses my mom alot. He just did one of his little things and I'm shook up

I didn't know how to say it but I just did.

Colby: Emery get the fuck out of there. That's not okay. Babygirl if you need anything let me know.

Emery: I don't even know what to say. You're to kind. And I just can't do anything. I have no money or any of my shit in place.

Colby: come to LA, you can stay with me:)

Emery: you don't really want that for you. I could be psychotic.

Colby: that is true but I'm willing to risk it

Emery: thanks colbs I'll keep it in mind

Colby: anytime babe

Emery: wait

Emery: today is fridayyyyyy

Emery: uploaddddd pleassssee

Colby: hm okay I'm bored anyway. It'll be up in like 10 mins.

Emery: oooo what's it about

Colby: video with Brennan. Tea spill, I think you'll like it;)

Emery: tf do you mean

Colby: you'll see

I refresh the page a billion times, over and over and then it shows up. I immediately click it. I see Colby and Brennan smiling and I get a sense if relief, happiness.
"Okay let's get the big question out of the way Mr. Brock" Brennan tries to be serious
"Okay shoot"
"The people want to know, do you have a girlfriend/are you talking to any girl"

"Yes." Colby confidently says, my stomach drops

"Elaborate?" Brennan looks curious for the camera

"I'm talking to a girl. No girlfriend, at least not yet. But, she accidently texted me. That's all I'm saying"
He puts his hands up surrendering

"That's my man" Brennan hypes him up

"Next question" the video continues, me not being able to focus, the information he just gave. My heart is stopped.

Emery: you didnt-

Colby: why yes I did

Emery: I'm not breathing.

I go on Twitter, people are already tweeting like crazy
"Who is she @ColbyBrock"
"Who's the mystery girl?"
"I wish I was her"
"He better not get a girlfriend:/"
"I hope she's not ugly"
"I already hate her"
"She's so lucky"
"I hope Colby is happy"

Emery: people don't even know me and already hate me lmao

Colby: yeah...I don't really care what the fans think. They shouldn't be the judges of my life

Emery: I completely agree, I've never understood why people hated girls in your life. They just mad jealous lmao

Colby: ugh

Emery: I'm just a very very lucky person:)

Colby: I'm the lucky one

Emery: no you aren't 💀

Colby: okay okay, wait I got a question

Emery: shoot

Colby: I'm bored

Colby: can we ft?

Wrong Number~Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now