Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Emery: You should go to sleep, I'm sorry I woke you

Colby: nooo Im awake and here for you

Emery: Well go to bed, cause I'm tired too

Colby: fine. i'll text you later, dont hesitate to call or text if ya need me

Emery: I wont, night:)

Colby: Night beautiful

I try to go to bed but I'm terrified to sleep. So many bad things could happen. I look at the clock and its already 8am. I grab my journal and go into my closet. I have no idea what Dave would do if he heard me singing, but I dont really want to find out. Singing has always been a coping mechanism for me. Just writing down my thoughts makes me feel better. I hear my door open but I dont make a sound. He cant see me, but I can see him. He looks around in my room, I guess to see if I'm there. He then goes to my dirty laundry, takes out my old underwear and smells it. Ive never wanted to puke so bad in my life. I see him put his hand in his pants... I stop looking and try not to think about it. I look at my phone, turn all the noises off, then turn the brightness down. I text Colby.

Emery: Hes disgusting. Hes a pig. A disgusting pig.

I bet hes sleeping but I dont have anyone else to text. He stays in my room for about a half an hour going through my stuff. My mom doesnt have a phone because he doesnt alow it, Im surprised I have a phone. My mom says she loves me but shes messed up mentally. I love her, but I would never put my child through this. I hate her for it but shes sick. I get out of the closet and lay down on the bed. Laying there with my thoughts consuming me. I eventually fall asleep.

TW(sexual abuse/harassment)

I wake up to someone touching me, feeling me in places they shouldnt feel. I try not to make it seem like i'm awake. I smell the cigarette. The alcohol. Dave. I feel the tears form as his hand goes over my breasts, down my stomach into my shorts.

"NO STOP" I yell tryingv to get away from him. He grabs me, I try to fight with all I have got. I start to scream but no ones going to hear.


"Stay still it wont hurt" He twists my arm and I cry out in pain

"STOP" I scream but he doesnt hear. He rips my clothes off pushing my legs apart. He kisses my face, down to my jaw. I scream and yell but he doesnt hear... Tears, yells, cries of pain as the man that is supposed to be my father hurts me, rapes me. After what feels like hours its finally over. Im broken. I lay silently on my bed.

"Dont tell anyone about this, or it'll happen again" He smirks at me and leaves the room. I feel a burst of anger.

"YOU DIRTY OLD MAN. YOUVE NEVER BEEN MY FATHER YOU PIG. I HOPE YOU ROT IN FUCKING HELL" I get up slam my door and lock it. I then tip my dresser over in front of it. I hear all sorts of curse words, and the door banging. I grab my  phone, seeing many texts from Colby. I dont even have time to read them

Emery: He touched me

Emery: He raped me.

Emery: please come as soon as possible.

I feel horrible having him come here, but I know he wants to and I want him. I call 911

"911  whats the address of your emergency?"


"What is the emergency?"

"My dad is an abuser, and h-he just raped me. and uh hes trying to get in my room and saying hes gonna kill me"

"Okay honey, we have an officer on the way, whats your name and age sweetie?"

"Emery Preston and I'm 18"

"Okay Emery, youre in your room right?"


I hear a crack, the door is breaking

"The door. Hes getting in please hurry"

"The officer is almost there, can you hide  anywhere?"

"I have a bathroom"

The door completely cracks. I scream as loud as I could. He grabs me and slams me up against the wall. My vision blurred. I dropped the phone. I'm on the ground and I sorta see him in front of me. He picks my head up by my hair and slams it on the ground and I'm out.

Author: 6-1-20: Im editing this, so if it doesnt make sense(which it shouldnt lmao) come back to read it in a few days, hopefully I'll be completely done:)

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