Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:

*Next Day* I wake up at 8am, of course Colby went back to his normal sleeping schedule. I need to find a job, and an apartment, I feel bad just staying here and not paying him anything. I get out of bed and make some waffles and cut up some fruit, Sam is gonna upload the video later today and i wonder what the fans will think of me. I grab my headphones and put them in and play my Shawn Mendes playlist, I love him so much... maybe to much. I finish eating my breakfast and do the dishes, how did this boy live doing his own dishes, I'm surprised. After that i start cleaning his whole apartment, I like a clean environment, not saying hes dirty, cause he actually isnt, but im bored to. Ive always loved singing, I did it all the time at my house, it was an escape from reality, I didnt realize i was singing but i was... I feel someone wrap there arms around my waist.

"Shit, what the fuck colby." I say holding my chest and taking out one of my earbuds, I was singing 'Where were you in the morning'

"You have a beautiful singing voice Emery" I hear him say in his sexy morning voice, I feel the redness creeping to my cheeks.

"Thank You Colby" I say and smile at him, he flashes his smile right back and its adorable.

"I made waffles about an hour ago if you want some." I say to him and he kisses my neck and lets go of me. Oh did i mention he was in just shorts...

"Ok thank you Emery" Just hearing his name slide off his tongue is amazing.

"Yup" I continue cleaning and humming to my music occasionally singing the word to the song, Im in the middle of singing 'Why' by Shawn and i hear colby.

"This is so wifey material" he mumbles and i just laugh, I go up to colby i need to talk to him



"I need to get a job, i feel to bad just staying here and not helping with anything"

"First off you dont need to pay anything to me, but if you wanna get a job you should."

"I dont know what though.."

"Well, I mean You are friends with a bunch of youtube stars..."

What is he gettng at!!

"You were a natural yesterday Em, Why dont you start a Youtube Channel?"

"Ok... but even if i did what would i put on it?" I laugh because I can't imagine having a channel.

"Well you could do challenges and trends, and you are a really good singer, you could also vlog"

"I dont know anything about youtube, or cameras, or editing, and i dont have money either"

"Well if you wanted to do it, you know i would help you out Em"

"Colby you helped me in enough ways.." i say smiling at him. He gets up and goes up to my ear

"Well not in all ways yet sweetheart"" He says it in the sexiest voice ever. A small moan comes out of my mouth and he snickered and laughed. Fuck.

"I'm gonna go shopping you need food."

"Ok, theres money in the pantry, you know how to drive?"

"Hell yeah, I had to drive everywhere back home" I roll my eyes.

"You can take my car if you want." Aww Hes trusting me with his car, i dont know what to say.

"Wow, ok, thanks colby." I say smiling and i hug him, I feel his hands snake around my waist. I try leaving the hug but he holds me tighter.

Wrong Number~Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now