Chapter: 9

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 I turn to see him. I cant believe hes actually here. I have never gotten up so fast in my life. He runs to me and I run to him. I jump into his arms nand give him the tightest hug of my life. I feel the tears rush out. 

" oh my god youre here" I manage to say. I take in the moment, feeling his strong shoulders, smelling is cologne

"I'm here" 

after about 2 full minutes of us hugging he sets me down.

"are you okay" He holds my waist.

"Uh light concussion and being mentally scarred, but uh besides that I'm okay"

"Babygirl Im so sorry" He hugs me again. I start crying

"Its okay...youre here, thats all that matters."

"Are you almost done? On the way here I booked a hotel for the next couple of days, I bet youre tired"

"Yeah I just gotta finish this, and thank you Colby. I'll never be able to say thank you enough."

"As long as we're together its gonna be alright"

His smile makes me smile. I finish the paperwork and go talk to my mom in the waiting area.

"Mom this is Colby... I'm staying with him at a hotel until we figure things out"

"Noce to meet you" Colby shakes her hand. My mom gets up and hugs me,

"Im so sorry. I love you, be safe" she lets go of me and walks out and goes to her car. I try not to cry, but a few tears escape. Colby hugs me again making me feel safe, and secured. 

"C'mon lets get to the hotel, you need some sleep" He picks me up bridal style making me giggle. He gently puts me down in the car he rented. I look at the clock and it says 7pm. Time has been all over the place today. He gets in the car and starts driving. He places his hand on my thigh, making my stomach erupt with butterflies. I doze ff in the car and he wakes me up ever so politely when we got there.

"Em, lets get you in some nice comfy clothes and a bed" He picks me up and I wrap my legs and arms around him. I'm very skinny, a little to skinny from lack of eating so he can carry me pretty easily. He grabs his duffle bag and walks to the hotel checks in and brings me to the room. I lay on the bed not wanting to move.

"Here wear this"

He hands me a tshirt and sweats. 

" Just turn around i dont wanna get up"  

I bet he wanted to make an excuse not to turn around but he knew what i went through today. I change quickly feeling so much more comfortable. The clothes also smell like him, which makes it so much more better. 

"Ill take the couch" He looks at me and smiles

"Oh shut up get in you loser" I pull the blanket back

"Are you sure?"

"Yes one hundred and ten percent" 

He plugs his phone in, turns the light off and gets into the bed. I feel myself getting closer and closer to him until we're touching. The moon seeping through the blinds, giving some light on the bed, on us. I feel his hand on my thigh, the other messaging my head. I look up to him, our lips inches apart.

"Youre so beautiful" He whispers to me, I giggle, trying not to throw up from being nervous

"Youre incredible" I whisper back. I kiss him on the cheek, and lay on his chest.

"Thank you Colby"

"Youre welcome gorgeous, sleep well" He kisses me on the head and cuddles me. I was going to say goodnight but I dozed off before I could speak.

Author: 6-1-20: still editing, so I advise you not to read more for a few days:)

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