Chapter 26

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Chapter 26:
I look up and see Mike, he has no clue who I am I think.
"Emery Preston? You're dating Colby right?"
" uh yeah thank you so much Mike" he helps me up and I wipe my hands on my pants.
"Do you need a ride home?"
" Uh could you take me to Brennens house?"
" Yeah let's go" I walk to the car with him and get in, his friends must have left
" Where's Colby if you don't mind me asking"
" I don't know." I look at Mike and he looks back
" What do you mean"
I explain everything that has happened to me today and he just listens
"Oh fuck, tell me if you find him"
" Yeah I will thank you so much for everythin mike" I smile at him and give him a hug and get out of the car. I was at Brennens house now. I go up to his house and knock. The door starts to open and tears are already rushing down my cheeks
"Hel- Em? Are you ok" I hug brennen and he hugs me back and holds me and brings me inside.
" what's wrong Em tell me" I finally stop sobbing and explain it to him for the 3rd time today.
"We should look for him." Brennen starts to panic and I am to. Then we hear a knock. Brennen gets up and opens it.
"Brennen I cant find Em anywhere I-"
"Colby?" I say annoyed but relieved
"Oh my god Em!" He pushes past Brennen, Brennen is in shock
"Where the fuck were you!?" I get up starting to get pissed
" I went to the bathroom and ran into some friends from Kansas"
" so you just left me there, what the fuck Colby so much shit happened to me. I don't want to see you right now get out" I sit back in the couch and run my fingers through my hair.
"Em I-"
" GET OUT" he comes up to me and I push past both Brennen and Colby, I run out onto the street running as far as I can I soon hear the feet behind me stop. I wonder up to a park and sit on the swing and cry, I grab my phone and dial his number.
" Hey it's Emery.... can we talk, I need to talk to someone.... Creek Park.... Thank you Shawn

Author: fInAlLy UpDaTeD
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