Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

Emery: noooo I'm ugly

Colby: stfu gorgeous.

Emery: fine. Hold on I gotta look presentable, at least let me do that

Colby: okay 5 minutes.

So like I'm normally insecure, but when it comes to Colby Brock. I'm like 10 times more insecure. I brush my hair, put some mascara on, and put a sweatshirt on. I try not to freak out when I hear the ft ring.
"You can do this Em."
I pick up the phone and see his hot ass face and blush immediately. His hair is messy, he's still in bed and without a shirt on. God his shoulders make me shudder.

"Hey Emery" he smirks and I melt
"H-hi" I smile nervously. I'm freaking out and being weird. I try to calm down
"You're like super cute when you're nervous" he says smiling
"You're not helping" I laugh and try not to cry
"I still can't believe I'm talking to you, like the real you too" I try to sound calm
"Yeah, well I'm glad" he smirks. It reminds me of what I sent him and I start laughing
"What is so funny"
"Nothin, just remembered something funny"
The laughing soon stops. I hear a loud knock on my door. Fear taking over my eyes. My stomach drops. Colby quickly changes expression as soon as he sees me
"Y-yes?" I stutter
"Emery who are you fucking talking to. Is that a boy?" He sounds disgusted
"Um yeah he's just a friend."
"Open the damn door"
I look at Colby and he looks reassuring, he knows to stay quiet. I set my phone down to where he could see.
"Ok-kay" I open the door. I smell the alcohol come into the room. He got completely shit faced in the past hour.
"Don't you ever talk to a boy without my permission" he gets up into my face and I can smell his cigarette and alcoholic breath.
"I'm 18, I can talk to whoever" I try to be confident, and stick up for myself cause if Colby.
"Don't ever talk to me like that again. In my house you follow my rules." He grabs my neck and pushes me on the wall. Hes applying light pressure, but I can still breathe. I gasp out of fear.
"Let me go" I choke out.
"You're getting a punishment for talking back" without warning he slaps me across the face and let's go of me. I fall on the ground. Tears falling out of my eyes, a scream escaped my mouth.
"Shut up cunt." And with that he walks out if my room. I remember Colby and I grab my phone and hang it up right away. I chuck my phone on my bed and hide in the corner and cried. I hear it go off a million times. But I don't have the strength to get up. I feel the blood droplets down my cheek.
I don't know how long I was on the floor for, but next thing I know my mom is home. Dave, my dad is passed out so she comes up by me right away.
"Emery?" I'm still in the corner of my room, to tired to cry. She sees me and runs to me
"H-he did this to me" I look at her. I see her heart shatter into a million pieces. I then see the tears well up. I know she won't leave him.
"I'm sorry baby" she hugs me and cries with me. She helps me up into my bathroom and fixes me up.
"I'm gonna go before he wakes up" she smiles at me
"I love you Em"
"Love you too"
Then she's gone.

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