Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:
I look up at Colby and go up to him and hug him, it's like the best hug we've ever shared, I cry so hard and he just holds me tight.
"I love you Colby, I'm so sorry" I cry into his shirt, I'm pretty sure he's crying too. I hold him tight, I look up at him and kiss him, more than passionately, I showed him my love in that kiss, I never wanted to let go of his lips, I want them to be mine forever. He pulls out if the kiss and hugs me again and we start walking back to Brennens to get to Colbys car. I just go to the car and Colby goes to talk to Brennen. I sit in the car and think about everything. I don't deserve Colby, or do I? My life was horrible before he just popped in it, a gift from God. I really want to be happy in life but I just can't with everything that's happened. I get a call and I answer it
" Hey is this Emery Preston?"
" I'm sorry hun, I'm calling to inform you that your mom got shot and died"
"H-h-how a-and w-who?"
" You're father and her got into a fight and unfortunately he shot her, I'm so sorry for your loss.
" Uh thank you for the information I got to go."
I hang up the phone, I don't know what to think... I just left her with that horrible man, I didn't even say goodbye to her. I need to see her, but not in a casket. I feel the tears coming down my cheeks like a waterfall. I get out of Colbys car, I know where I'm going.
I walk for about 30 minutes my phone blowing, I'm here now. I grab my phone out and text him
Em: I love you Colbs, you are my everything but I'm not yours, life falls apart and I can't fix it up, but I know you can fix yours. I'm glad our feelings were Mutual. Don't forget me love, you made my life worth living, and made me happy I can't ever say thank you enough. I love you, thanks for the few good months of my life.

Author: i-

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