Chapter 14

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Chapter 14:

I wake up to the smell of bacon and waffles, it smells delicious

Em: I didnt know you could cook

Colby: why are you texting me come out here.

Em: im to tired

Em: oh and thats daddy material af

Colby: well daddy made food come out here babygirl

Fuck, ts 9am and im already wet for him. I go out there in my panties and a long tshirt. Apparently he wasnt prepared and choked on his food when he saw me.

"That was me last night" I wink at him. I sit down and hes still staring at me.

"Get used to it bud, this is how i sleep."

"Like that will ever happen" he rolls his eyes.

"Why are you awake so early youre usually asleep now."

"After I took care of myself last night... surprised I didn't wake you up....I slept like a baby" he smirks knowing what he just said

"Colby, Im trying not to have the urge to fuck you every time we have a conversation, so shut the fuck up."

"I wouldnt mind it."

I sigh, get up and go to the bathroom, and see a little spot on my panties. Mother Fucker made me drip. I come back out of the bathroom and eat my food, I notice Colby staring at me and i tease him.

"Ah fuck, this bacon is so good" I slowly chew it and moan

"Im gonna get ready." he gets up and leaves, i can tell hes sexually frustrated.

I finish eating and i go to colbys room, i knock

"Come in" his voice is so soothing, I open the door to a shirtless colby, his back is facing me. I go up behind him and snake my arms around his waist and lay my head on his left shoulder blade.

"Thanks for breakfast"

"Yeah no problem" Hes still looking for a shirt to wear.

"What are we doing today?"

" We are gonna explore for the Sam and Colby channel"

"Oh my god really!?" I say spinning him around so now hes looking at me

"Yup, wear something semi-warm but still breathable."

"Ok i will"

"When are we gonna leave?"

"Later, probably around 6"

"What do you wanna do in the meantime?"

"We could chill and watch netflix"

"Sounds great" I go out into the living room and grab blankets and cuddle into them, they even smell like him. I see him come in and i pat the spot next to me for him to sit down. He lifts the blanket up and sits down next to me. I cuddle up next to him and he picks a movie. I end up laying in his lap, hes playing with my hair, it feels so good. Time flies and its already 5, only an hour until we get to explore.

"Where are we going?"

"To an abandoned school house outside of la"

"Ok cool" Its almost time to leave and i cant wait. It still feels like a dream

Author: ooo colby is taking her to xplr awww

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