Chapter 16

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Chapter 16:

"You still want to do this?" Colby asked me

"Yeah, i feel better" I really do, colby made me feel amazing whenever he talked to me,

"The camera is set up!" Sam yelled over to us

"Ok, we're coming!" I yell back to Sam, Colby squeezes one more time in the hug and lets go.

"Come on lets do this baby" My heart flutters, butterflies erupt in my stomach, i love it when colby calls me nicknames.

"Whats up guys, sam and colby here!" I hear colby start the intro, i cant believe im seeing this in real life, sometimes i still expect to wake up in my old house, and this is all a dream

"We would like to introduce our new friend who will be in our videos!" sam said and i know its my time to shine.

"Hey everyone! My name is Emery!" and thats all I say and they continue the intro and we start walking down the trail to the school house. Its like im watching a video in 3D...because i kinda am.... I walk next to colby and sam is on the other side of colby.

"Woah this is so cool!" I say as we are outside of the schoolhouse, its really old, but its super big because it has like a mental institute connected to it, kinda wierd. We go inside and Colby hands me a flashlight and we walk around.

"It has two stories but its really hard to get to but we might be able to"

"I found it!" i say to both of them, I see the sketych stares that go up to the second floor.

"Let me go first, im the lightest, Ill see if its safe." I say to both of them, Colby gets a worried look on his face.

"You sure Em, i mean we are the pros" He laughs

"I should be good, I watched enough of your videos." I laugh and start to make my way up the wooden stairs. A few of the stairs were gone but it didnt frighten me. I make it to the top and the whole time Colby was staring at me. I see the second floor and there is holes in the floor so i walk where the support beams are.

"Em you good?" I hear Colby ask.

"Yeah it should be ok, we have to walk on the support beams though because the floor looks moldy, and it could break."

"Ok we are coming up." I hear them start to go and sam complaining that he has to go up with the camera. I look around and see a ladder, im pretty sure it goes through the third floor up to the roof. I see Colby behind me.

"Lets go up there" I point at the ladder, he looks at sam and then they look at me and i start to go up, Colby right behind me, sam stuck with the camera again. I'm peacefully walking up the ladder and my foot slips and it slides on the ladder, Colby caught me by the waist with his right hand, the other holding him.

"You good?" He asks, then i feel something drip down my leg, I think i cut my thigh. I dont tell him and wait till we get to the top.

"I think i cut my thigh when I slipped." I look down to see my thigh bleeding. Colby turns around and looks at me, I see his eyes go wide,

"Oh my god, Em thats a lot of blood. Sam do you have the first aid kit?" He kneels down by my thigh and is looking at it. It stung but didnt look deep, its just long.. So there is a lot of blood,

"Hey you guys we will be right back after we take care of this" Sam says and cuts the camera. Colby tells me to sit down and he grabs the kit.

"I'm fine, it doesnt even hurt that bad" I lied, it stung a lot but hes worrying a lot. The cut was like almost 5 inches... Colby grabs the peroxide and looks at me.

"This is gonna sting, i dont wanna lie, so its gonna hurt." He laughs i do too, he pures some of the liquid on my cut and it burns, I wince in pain.

"Fuck." I mumble, I see the white bubbles in the cut, and then Colby wipes my leg and puts a bandage on it,

"You can walk right?" Colby says, and i debate saying no just for him to carry me but i dont.

"Of course i can" He helps me up and i start to walk, It does hurt, My thigh stings every time I walk. But I dont show the pain and we walk around on the roof and Sam starts to record again. The rest of the video went planned and now we are going back to the car and they start the outro.

"We will be linking Emery's social medias down below, dont forget to check her out!" I see sam say and right when he said 'check her out' colby got a look on his face. I couldn't really put my finger on what his face said though...

'I've been the archer, I've been the prey, who could ever leave me, darling but who could stay'

Author: Emery feels unloved:( how do you think the fans are gonna react...?

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