Chapter 12

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Chapter 12:

"Lets goooo" i see his head poke around the door

"Ok...ahh fuck im nervous."

"Don't be they will love you...probably to much" he scoffs

"I doubt it" I laugh nervously.

"Come on they'll love you!" he goes in front of me and we walk over to sams apartment, i start to get bad nerves, fuck. I see sam open the door, I cant believe its him

"Hey bro!" colby and sam do a bro hug thing and then sam looks at me. Fuck i smile and go up to him and give him a really big hug.

"Hey, Im Emery" I smile

"I'm Sam, I like the name," he smiles at me and then looks at colby.

"You guys wanna come in? Brennen, Jake and Corey are gonna be here soon"

"Yeah lets go" Colby says I walk into his apartment, wow, all the videos that were filmed here, i still cant believe this.

"Want anything to drink?" Sam asks me as we sit down on the couch, Colby sits right next to me, our thighs are almost touching.

"No thanks" I smile at him. Then the doorbell rings and Brennen comes in, I get up out of excitement and run up to him and hug him. His hugs are so soft and warm.

"Yayyy i finally get to meet you" Im smiling ear to ear.

"Hey Emery" he lets go of the hug and i sit next to colby again. I've always felt a special connection with him, it's just different. Sorta like a big brother, I don't know but I care a lot about him. I see the door open and Corey comes in with Jake, Corey is being really silly and everything like he always is. I get up and hug Corey then Jake.

"Hey Im Emery" i smile at both of them

"Heyyyy" jake and corey say. We all go back to the couch and start talking about stupid shit, i feel like ive known them my whole life... i mean ive known them for a while but not personally, they know nothing about me. Sam starts to get drinks out,

"Want any Em?"

"Nah ya girls not 21.." I frown

"How old are you?" Corey asks

I look at my phone and see that my birthday is in two weeks, August 12th

"Wow ive been so distracted that i didnt even realize my 19th birthday is in two weeks"

"Ooooo that will be fun" I see Brennen wink at Colby, ahhhhhh fuck, i know hes embarrassed

"Shut up you fuckers" Colby has a grin on his face. Fuck hes hot.

"You guys wanna go for a late night swim?" I hear sam suggest...Perfect..I bought a swimsuit today and i think it flustered Colby when i tried it on..hehe

"Fuck yeah," i say getting up and walking to the door, i feel there eyes on my back burning a hole, or was it my back?

"You guys coming, or you just gonna stare." i start to laugh and they snap out of it. I go to colbys apartment and open the door and grab my bikini.
"Where are the towels?"
"In the closet by the bathroom"
I go and grab two towels and throw one and Colby, I dropped my towel and i bent over to pick it up and i bump into Colby...

"Oh sorry" I blush, feeling embarrassed. I felt a bulge through his jeans, holy shit. I hurry with my bikini, i look hot as fuck.

 I hurry with my bikini, i look hot as fuck

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(Sorry y'all hate it so much 💀)

 I put my hair into a fish tail braid, I go to the body mirror in the living room and take a few pictures to post on insta. I sit on the couch and pick the best one, it makes my ass big, i post it and caption it "LA life bitches, lovin it:)" and then colby walks in, swimming trunks on. fuck he was hot. Both of our jaws on the ground.

"I fucking hate you" I hear him mumble and he starts walking out of the apartment. I get up and follow him laughing. The sun was just setting it was like 9pm We go to the pool and see the boys I walk over to the lounge chairs and set my stuff down I kinda had to bend down, and didnt realize my ass was towards the pool. I turn around, everyone looks away. Obviously Sam wasn't looking in the first place. What a gentleman. I ignore what just happened and go to feel the pool temperature.

"Jeez thats cold what the fuck."

"Is it cold em?" I see brennen start to laugh and walk over to me

"Brennen Fucking Taylor dont you dare. He starts running towards me but i run away
"Ay no running at the pool" Jake says
"Yeah Em" Corey yells, but I'm not concerned about that at the moment.

"COLBY HELP" i yell thinking about the cold water I'm not ready for. I run behind colby hoping he would protect me, boy was i wrong. He grabbed me and helped, next thing i know im in the freezing cold pool. I get up for air and im pissed. Jake and sam were laughing too.

"I hate all of you." I get out of the pool and go to my towel to wipe my face off. I look behind me and see colby standing dangerously close to the pool. I go up behind him and whisper.

"This isnt the only punishment youre getting." I smirk and push him in the pool. I see the boys staring at me.

"He deserved it." I was freezing so i went to the hot tub.
"Ahh fuck" I say as im getting in, I see colby sit next to me

"Pay back will be received" he mumbles for my ears to hear only.

"Oh fuck off Jake, at least Colby could get a girl"
"Ooooo" all the guys say
"Jake got roasted by a girl" Corey mocks Jake. We all laugh it off.

We all hang out and talk and do stupid stuff, it becomes late and we decide to start to head in.

"I had a lot of fun" i say smiling

"Yeah we did too" I hear Corey say. I give them all hugs and they leave, I'm left with Colby beside the pool still.

"Thank you Colby, Im gonna be saying that for the rest of my life"

"Well stop, because you already say it enough."

"Ok" i laugh

"I know how you can repay me though"

"Oh really? How Mr. Brock?"

"Oh babygirl" he comes up to me grabbing my face with one hand. The other around my waist. His thumb rubbing the side of my cheek. All time stops, until he mumbles

"Screaming my name" his thumb moves to my lips, as do his eyes. I forgot how to breathe. My breathe hitches, and I take a deep noticable breath. He notices, smirks and chuckles.

"You're so sexy" I whisper, barely being audible. My sex drive takes over, I grab his hand and rush him back to his apartment.

Author: Longest chapter yet... be prepared for what yall been waiting for.. smut;)

dont forget to upvote:)

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