Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

I wake up on my floor feeling a major headache. Everything starts coming back to me. I look around and I see three officers holding my dad back. I try to get up and get away but my head hurts. My vision is still foggy

"WE NEED A PARAMETIC" I hear the officer yell downstairs. Soon enough theres a few paramedics surrounding me. They start asking me questions then I remember Colby

"Colby, my phone...I need it" I manage to say. Someone got it for me. Theres a billion texts and calls from colby. the latest one being

Colby: Im on the flight, 5 hours I'll be there baby girl.

Emery: head injury. address is ********** someone will be here for you to find me. thank you.

The paramedics got me on a stretcher and brought me to the hospital. They kept me awake just in case something was wrong.

We got to the hospital and they brought me i to do tests.

"EMERY?" I hear my mothers hih pitched voice

"Emery Im so sorry baby, Im so sorry" Shes crying, hard core.

"Its over now mom, hes going to jail. We'll be alright"

She doesnt say anything. The doctor comes in

"Good news, nothing serious, a light concussion. Youre very lucky, it could have been a lot worse."

He tells my mom all sorts a things but everything is blurry to me. An officer then comes in before the doctor leaves.

"Is she well enough to come to the station to answer some questions?"

"If shes feeling up to it she should be okay wearing these sun glasses and pain meds"

"Do you feel well enough to come in Ms. Preston?" 

"Uh yeah" I look at my mom, tears still in her eyes. I get up and we gather our stuff, The pain medicine makes the pain go away but I still carefully get up. My mom helps me to her car, and I already know whats ahead. We start driving and its silent for a few minutes

"What did he do to you" My moms voice, almost a whisper

"He raped me. and almost killed me"

"Oh my god" she shakily breathes out

"Its my fault-"

"Dont even say sorry or try to come up with something, I already know what youre going to say but I dont accept it. My life has been absolute shit. and now that pig is going to be put away so I'm starting over."

I dont let her talk because I know it will only hurt more.

"Im moving to LA tomorrow. My friend is coming on a flight, and he should be here soon. I advise you start over too."

Then we're at the  police station. I dont let her talk. I walk inside and the officer brings me to his desk to talk. He has me sign some papers, and make a statement. I'm in the middle of filling out the last few pieces of paper, when I hear it. I hear him.


Author: dont forget to upvote;)

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