Chapter 23

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I get out of the shower and put my pjs on,
"I'm going to sleep," I go up to Colby and give him a kiss and go back to my room


Yes, I do still sleep in my room, I'm not fully committed to that yet, soon though.

*next day*

I look through my messages and see one from Elton,

Uncle Elton: hey Em can you help me prank Colby?

Em: so for it, tell me the dets

Uncle Elton: I want to prank him that you went missing

Em: bro hes gonna freak, at least i hope lol

Uncle Elton: yea he will, and it will be funny, you can just tell him that youre going somewhere and you can come over to my place.

Em: yes ok what time

Uncle Elton: 20 mins?

Em: k send ur address, ill be there

I get up and get ready to go, I feel bad but it will be funny, maybe we'll see him cry. I grab some gray sweats and a tank top and put my hair in a bun.

"Hey Colby, I'm going out and im gonna swing by Elton i gotta ask him some questions then i'll be home"

"Ok, text me when you're coming home"

"K" I give him a kiss and head outside to go to my Uber. I soon get to Eltons place

"Hey" I say hugging Elton as he opens the door

"Hey, thanks for doing this" He laughs

"Yeah gotta get that content" I laugh.

"We can chill watch movies and stuff till Colby starts calling"

"Ok cool" We go inside and get snacks.

*time skip*

Its now 6pm, I left at 1, Colby must be getting worried, Me and Elton are in the middle of Grown ups when Colby starts calling, Elton turns off the movie and starts recording. I just let it ring, I see him start texting me too.

Colbs: em

Colbs: em are you ok

Colbs: em im so worried

Colbs: Emery! Answer me

I didnt look at them though I just saw them pop up on the screen, then Elton gets a call he answers it

Elton: "Hello?"

Colby: "Hey is Em with you?"

Elton: "Ummm I thought she was with you..."

Colbs: "Well shes not Elton!"

Elton: "She left like..uh at 3

Colby: "Elton what am i going to do!"

I think i hear him sniffling in the background, Elton is trying not to laugh.

Elton: "You should come over and we can start looking"

Colby: "Ok" I hear a sniffle for sure, and then they hang up

Colby Pov

I run to my car and start driving right away, I dont know what to do, Em is missing. I get to Eltons house and knock right away

"Hey" He says when he opened the door and he lets me in, my eyes are red and my nose is running

"Where do we start!?" I start pacing in his living room

"Should i call Sam? And the police" i stop and stare at him he looks really calm.
"Lets just look around the area first, then you can call Sam and the police"

"Ok" Is all I manage to say and i run outside and start walking around the block

"EM? EMERY!??" I start yelling hoping she'll come find me, I feel horrible, I miss her so much.

Emery Pov
I'm hiding in the closet in the living room, I hear Colby sniffling and it breaks my heart, They just left to 'look for me' Elton told me when we come back I should come out.

*30 mins later* i hear the door open and I Know Colbys crying

"Elton what do i do...I need her" I hear the heartbreak in his voice

"I know man she has to be around somewhere"

"I'm gonna call the police"

"Wait" I feel like thats my que to come out now

Author: not only did my cat die, my phone died, haha i hate life -_-

sorry if this is a bad chapter

oh please leave suggestions for chapters by commenting or dming me

hehe sorry for cliffhanger,(notttt)


it will make my day:)


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