Chapter 25

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Chapter 25:
I spit out the remaining coco puffs in my mouth, and got up and turned around to face him
"No way." I look at him with disbelief, he smiles and I freak
"NO FUCKING WAY COLBY. YES" I scream and get up and run to him and hug him
"Yeah this weekend on Friday in La, front row seats"
" Stop. I'm gonna pass out." I actually start crying, he's so nice to me...I don't deserve it.
"Em jeez I didn't know you were that into him" he laughs at me and wipes the tear away
" Not to be dramatic but I'd die for him." I laugh and so does he. I hug him really tight and give him a million kisses
" As long as you don't leave me for him I'm good" he laughs but I know he is actually nervous.
" Colby, no I would never, ever. I love you way to fucking much" I give him more kisses
"Love you too" he hugs me even tighter.
*3 days later*
Today is Saturday, yesterday Colby posted the video about us and the fans went crazy. Most of them liked me but some didn't but I don't care, today Colby is taking me to see Shawwnnnnnn!!! I still don't believe it but we are in the way there!
"I'm so hype!" I look at Colby and he's laughing at me
" Oh shut up, Im in loveeeee.... With his voice of course" I smirk at him
"Ok buddy" he says to me."OH MY GOD WE'RE HERE" I scream really loud. I know deep down Colby is excited too. We walk into the giant area and go find out seats, first row in the middle. This concert isnt apart of a tour he's just singing a whole bunch of his songs from his albums. Everyone starts piling in, hopefully people don't recognize me and Colby, that could get messy.. I see Shawn come out and everyone starts screaming including me.
"Hey everyone! I'm so glad you all came, I'm very excited! Let's get started shall we!?" More screams fill the room
"Hey Em?" I hear Colby say before Shawn starts
"Yeah!?" I say smiling ear to ear
"I have backstage passes, we are gonna meet him" my jaw drops I scream so loud
"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!" I hug him so fucking tight
"Yeah you're welcome, he hands me the pass and I put it around my neck. The first song he sings is Stitches the classic...he then sings a few other songs and surprised us
"How you guys feeling?! I have a surprise for y'all, Welcome Camila Cabelo!" And Camila comes on stage and everyone is loosing there shit. Especially me. They then sing Señorita and I Know What You Did Last Summer. I'm literally so hype. After that Camila leaves and Shawn continues. I look over at Colby, our song comes on. Mutual, the song I asked him out with. I look at him and smile, he smiled back and kissed me. After the song Colby said he had to go to the bathroom so he left...I started to get worried after about 30 minutes..the concert is almost over, but maybe the lines long? I don't know. I tried texting him but he didn't answer, and I called him. I can't really leave because there are so many people around me so I just wait.
*After concert*
It's been an hour since I've seen Colby I'm freaking out, but I stay calm and decide to go backstage, maybe he'll be there. I see Shawn when I go in there and I get into line, I don't see Colby, the line moves kinda fast and before I know it I'm in the front.
"Hi!" I hear Shawn's voice and I almost cry
" Oh my gosh hi" I feel a tear slip down my cheek
" Did you come here alone?" I hear concern in his voice
"Um no my boyfriend bought me tickets cause I love you so much and he went to the bathroom and didn't come back" I look down hiding my worried face
" Oh I'm sorry, I'm sure you'll find him but if you don't here" he passes me a note and I don't open it,
" Thank you, I actually asked him out singing mutual to him" I blush and smile
" Oh my God that's so sweet!" His smile is amazing, I hug him and take a picture and leave. I grab the note out of my pocket and it's his number. Oh my God. He's so sweet!! I grab my phone to put it in but it's dead.
"Fuck" I mumble. I start to look for Colby but I can't find him anywhere.
*Hour later*
I'm sitting on the curb outside crying my eyes out, this was supposed to be amazing but it isn't. I can't find Colby, and I don't know where he parked cause I wasn't paying attention. And my phone is dead. Everyone is about gone and I don't know what to do.
" Hey baby need a ride" this guy starts coming close to me, he seems drunk..."
" No thank you" I get off the curb and start walking away but he grabs me.
"It's not polite to deny an offer sweetie" he has his face close to mine. I can't panic, I have to stay calm
" I don't except stuff from strangers sir" I say with confidence
"Well that's to bad cause we could have fun" he smirks at me and tightens his grip around me. I start screaming
"HELP" I scream but I fear no one will hear, he then covers my mouth but it's to late. I hear a door open and men running over to me and the guy is ripped off of me and I fall to the ground. I look up and see someone I didn't expect
"Hey, are you ok?"

Author: bruhhhhhhhh I luv writing;)))
Oh yeah ur welcome for back to back chaps. Also for the cliff hanger, who do you think it is?


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