Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

I get up from the couch and walk to the room to get changed, I wear this outfit:

I get up from the couch and walk to the room to get changed, I wear this outfit:

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I also grab my camo xplr hoodie for if it gets chilly. I go back into the living room and see sam and colby talking about the video, right when i come in their eyes shift to me.

"You excited Em?" Sam asks

"You have no clue" I say and my eyes go wide. I notice colby is still staring but i dont acknowledge it. I sit next to Colby and they continue talking.

"Alright, lets go, we'll make the intro there" Colby says getting up, Sam walks out first then Colby, right before we go out the door I give colby's ass a smack, he looks at me and his cheeks have a tint of red in them

"Wasn't me" I state, laughing like crazy. We get to the car and start driving.

"I call aux!" I say to them and they looked at each other and sam gives me the aux. I play my fave playlist that has everything, it varies to hard rock, pop, classical, everything. My newest favorite song comes on and I squeal.

"What is your problem?" Colby laughs at me. Im just singing the song.

"I love it when you call me Senorita. I wish i could pretend i didnt need ya." Colby and sam are laughing at me.
"Oh shut up, its a good song about friends turning into lovers, at least thats how view it. And my daddy number three is in it." I think about it as i hope thats what happens between me and co- wait, do i have a crush on him? Well of course i do, i dont think he likes me back though, but that's probably ever teenage girl. So maybe he does..I start laughing and so do sam and Colby.

"When are we gonna be there?" I ask out loud for either of them to answer.

"About 10 minutes" sam replied. The song "Archer" comes on by Taylor Swift. i start to feel emotional, as in better words emo. The words 'I've been the archer, I've been the prey, who could ever leave me, darling but who could stay?' hit me really hard, and i think of all the times at my old house, and all the horrible times i had, I never thought i was worthy of a boyfriend, my father would spit horrible words at me like 'no one will ever love you', 'youre just in it for sex', 'youre a prostitute'. So I never tried getting a boyfriend, I thought they wouldnt love me. I still feel like im not good enough for anyone but im trying. I was to deep in my thoughts, I didnt notice colby saying my name, or the tear streaming down my right cheek.

"Em? Emery? Are you ok?" I finally snap out of it. I quickly wipe the tear off my cheek, I hope he didnt notice.

"Yeah I'm good, Sorry" I put a fake smile on, Colby notices, I know he did i can see it in his eyes.
"Ok, we're here." He lets it slide, I hope he doesnt bring it up later. I get out of the car and try to calm down and be happy again, but the memories are there, I cant push them back, its impossible. Sam starts setting up the camera on the back of his car and i see colby start coming my way.

"Em, tell me whats up.." He puts his arms around my waist and hugs me.

" Im fine.." No im not. I just dont want to talk about it, or make him sad.

"Emery...tell me" I know hes never gonna shut up about it so here we go.

"That last song just got me into my feels, my memories... the bad ones, like when my father would call me horrible names, and say i was useless, and no one will ever love me, that im unlovable, the lyrics... 'I've been the archer, I've been the prey, who could ever leave me, darling but who could stay... I believe that no one will ever stay for me." the tears are streaming down my face. I try not to sob, i let the tears stream.

"Emery, youre beautiful, loving, smart, and everything, any guy who gets the privilege to call you mine is lucky," he kisses my forehead and hugs me tight, this feels right, colby feels right, his arms around me feel right, i wish colby was the one to call me his...

Author: BRUH whos excited for them to xplr??

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