Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

I wake up next to colby, his body right next to mine. He's so peaceful when he sleeps. I don't wanna move, I want to stay in this moment forever. I turn and grab my phone off the charger trying not to wake him. I scroll through all my social medias, seeing Colby tweeted last night.

"It's just unbelievable that I've met you"

I smile, knowing it's about me. The butterflies erupt in my stomach. I quietly get up and go to the bathroom. Next thing I know I see him stretching his back out. I look over and admire his beautiful back profile. He turns around and looks at me.

"Hey..." He starts walking over to me, I'm to starstruck to realize he's talking to me.

"goodmorning" I mumble, and smile wider.

"You look adorable" he says giggling

"Oh stop it" I laugh as my cheeks turn red, I go to brush my teeth.

"So I booked a flight last night back to LA for the both of us at 2"

"Okay.." I don't know what to say, how to thank him. I was about to say thanks but he cut me off

"No need to thank me, I'm excited" his toothy grin made me feel some type of way

"No thank you Colby, and once I get a job im paying you back"

"No i refuse to take your money at any cost. I'm doing this because I want to"

I feel like I'm gonna cry, he's so sweet. I go up to him and wrap my arms around him and hug him tight. It feels so unreal being here.

"Thank you" I whisper in his ear as a tear slips down my cheek"

"No prob em, I care about you" he wipes the tear from my face.

"Colby... how are the fans gonna react...?" My heart drops

"I could really care less, they will have to deal with it."

"Im sorry... I feel so bad, taking your money, your time, your everything.." I sit down and run my hands through my hair

"Don't apologise I already told you, I'm doing this because I want too" i look up to him and smile

"The fans are gonna hate me"

"No they won't, and it sounds like a them problem if they do"

"I mean hell, I'd be hella jealous if I wasn't you" we both laugh

"I'm not that great"

"Shut up. You know you're hot" he laughs, I decided to lighten the mood.

"One question?"


"Am i ever gonna get those nudes, cause like i already sent bro." he starts laughing

"Thats the Emery I know"

"Maybe youll get nudes in real life" I heard colby mumble, he thinks i didnt hear

"What?" i act like i didnt hear

"Oh nothing" he giggles

"Hey since we have a few hours until the flight, wanna show me good old Wisconsin?" Colby said putting a shirt on.

"Uh yeah sure" I smile thinking about the places we could go in the short amount of time.
We pack up our stuff and get in the car

"Okay, first let's go to Kwik Trip, the best gastation you will ever see"

"Let's go" he smiles and turns his music on. We're jamming and having a good time, after Kwik Trip, we go driving around adventuring. It's almost 1 and I realize we gotta go

"Let's get Culver's for lunch and then go to the airport" I smile at him and he smiles back. My eyes lock on him, not being able to move. Time stops.

"Hey... Em? Emery?"

"Uh yeah?" I snap out of it. He laughs at me, and grins.

"We're here"
I order a cheeseburger and a concrete mixer, Colby gets practically the same thing and we eat our food listening to music. Just living in the moment. We rush to get to the airport on time and give the rental car back. It's so busy, and full of people. Colby grabs my hand and leads us through the airport. We're right on time and get to the plane fairly fast.
"Here we go" Colby smiles and grabs my hand. I sigh a big sigh of relief
"Here comes a new chapter"
The plane ride lasted about 5 hours, it was pretty boring and I slept alot. Mostly on Colby's shoulder, thinking about our future.
We land effortlessly.. I cant believe i finally made it...not on my own but with someone i adore. Colby sees my excitement, he has the same energy as me. Once we're in the airport he grabs my hand leading me eagerly, excited for us.

"Its the famous corolla....or new corolla.." I start to laugh thinking about what Elton did to his car.

"Hopefully i get my dream car...girls would be all the fuck over me....not that I need them" he laughs

"Oh shut up" I giggle

"My apartment is like 45 minutes away"

"Ok i cant wait" I get into the car and we start driving, I look everywhere I can. The palm trees, the fancy cars, the traffic. I'm really in LA and I'm ready.

"we're here" I feel the butterflies in my stomach. We grab our bags and walk to the lobby. Colby leading me to the elevator, floor 4.

"Thats sams apartment" he points at a door when we were walking, and then we stop at the end of the hall, room 258. The door opens and his apartment is fairly clean, I'm impressed. He leads me in and gives me a tour and then stops at a spare room, its medium sized and has a dresser and a queen sized bed.

"This is youre room, my room is right across the hall."

"Ok thank you"

" let me know if you need anything, you can unpack, ill be in my room."

I give Colby the biggest hug

"Thank you so much....this...this doesnt feel real, youre the nicest person ive ever met"

"No problem babe" my heart stops, i leave the hug and start to unpack.. I go and jump on my bed, squishy but firm, great for fuc- stop.

About 45 minutes later colby comes in and im finishing up my unpacking for tonight


"Heyyy" I say getting up and stretching

"I know you werent able to bring much, so i was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall and get some more clothes and stuff"

" dont have to, youve given me enough."

"Oh come on itll will be fun too..." He smiles at me.

"... adventures in la"

"Ok fine ill be ready in 10"

"K babygirl" and he walks out of the room

"Ugh." I sigh, what this big does to me is immaculate.

Author: Oof XD rawr um sorry...get ready for hot topic...oh and victo- oop
future me- I literally hate myself for writing this lmao
2020 me: ew TF is this I'm editing 😌

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