Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:
I'm about to come out but i wait.
"Bro, I don't know what I'm gonna do, like Elton"
"It's ok we'll find her"
"No Elton you don't get it, bro, i I think I'm in love with her, I can't loose her" I hear his sniffles, I put my hand over my mouth and I feel a tear come down my cheek, his sobs make my heart jump out of my chest. I slowly walk out of the closet, tears streaming down my face and I'm smiling. Colby didn't notice me yet
" I think I'm in love with you too, get pranked Colbs" I say super softly and I wipe away my tear and sniffle. Colby looks up at me and shoots up off the couch and runs up to me and picks me up. He hugs me so tight and I hug back, he's holding me by my waist and is squeezing me like a teddy bear.
"Em oh my gosh, I thought I lost you, aw I hate you but I love you" his head is in the crook of my neck
"I love you too Colby" another tear slips down my cheek, he hugs me for like 5 minutes and then sets me down.
" well it looks like the fans are gonna know about Cemery...." I say looking at Elton
" I don't have to post it if you guys don't want me to" I look at Colby
" Nah, I'll just have to post a video right before yours"
"Ok, thanks Em for the help" Elton laughs. Then he starts filming again, I'm sitting on Colby's lap while he's sitting on the couch
"Welcome to the prank war" Elton says to Colby
"Watch out, I'ma get you back Elton." Colby says smiling.
" Let's go home I'm hungry" I laugh and get off of his lap and head to the door
" Bye Elton" I smile at him and go outside, I'm about to open the door,
"I know what you'll be eating tonight" Colby is right behind me and he grabbed my neck and whispered that in my ear. His other hand is on my waist.
"We'll see daddy" I say and break out of his grasp and go into the car.
"Let's get McDonald's" I say to Colby
"That's not what you're eating" I see the smirk plastered on his face. I roll my eyes, if he wants to dance, let's dance. I put my hand on his thigh, rubbing it up and down getting closer to his dick, I can already see the sweat forming on his forehead. I look over at him, and he looks back, I bite my lip and it sends him over. I feel the car go faster and he looks away from me
"Eager are we" I laugh and he scoffs at me. Before I know it we're home, I quickly get out of the car and run to our apartment and hide. I hide in the closet in the hall. I text Colby
Em: gotta find me if you want me;)
I hear the door open
"Where are you princess" he uses his deep seductive voice, it really turns me on. I hear him get closer. I'm hiding in the clothes so if he came in here he might not find me. He goes around the house and it's been like 10minutes then I hear the closet door open.
"Oh em, Where are you... daddy's getting impatient" I can already feel the smirk on his face. I start to bite my nails, he comes over to the clothes
"THERES MY PRINCESS!" He says loudly I scream and he picks me up and puts me over his shoulders
"COLBY PUT ME DOWN!!" I Start laughing, he spanks my ass and then throws me on the bed. He starts feeling me up, but not today, I flip him over
"Sorry dude, ya girls on her period" I laugh as I see his frown.
"Dont worry baby boy, I wont leave my daddy un pleasured." I smirk at him and he smirks back. I jump on top of him and take his shirt off and start leaving wet kisses down all over his body. His hands are around my waist and I can feel his hard under me, I slowly make my way down his waist to his v-line. I slowly pull his pants off and his underwear with it. His dick pops up on his stomach, I still can't get over his size. I go at it right away and surprise Colby causing him to moan. I put my lips around his tip and he moans louder. I start pumping my hand for the rest I can't fit in my mouth. I occasionally choke on his dick causing me to gag but I keep going. I soon finish feeling the liquid go down my throat, I feel his cum go down my chin cause I couldn't swallow it all,
"Oh my God Em" I hear the satisfaction in his voice. I smirk at him and get up and go to the kitchen. I'm actually hungry. Colby comes out after a while and spins me around to face him.
"I love you Em, for real"
" I love you too" I french him and he smirks I then back away and go back to eating my coco puffs.
"Hey babe?"
"Wanna go to a Shawn Mendes concert?"

Author: ok I'm back bitchessss
I like Shawn Mendes, it just so happens that Em does too😂
Give me ideas for chapters by dming me or commenting, give me up opinions!!
I can't believe I hit 5k reads:o
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Jkjkjk I still will but plz

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