Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

I wake up to screams. It's my mother I run down the stairs to see my mom huddled in the corner hiding from my father. I fear for her life. I go up to my "dad" and try to pull him off, but he pushes me off and I fall.

"EMERY GO. RUN GET OUT OF HERE." I hear my mom scream to me, I want to help her so bad but I know what she wants for me. I run upstairs and grab my phone, I hear him coming up the stairs. I slam my door shut and lock it. I open my window and climb down the tree and run. I run as far as possible. I ended up on town, right next to this sit down diner. I grab the emergency money from the back of my phone case and go inside to get breakfast. I look at the time, it's 6am. The sun has just risen. My mom must have been on her way to work. I hope she got out. I go inside, there's no one. I sit down on the back and try to clear my mind. I think about Colby. I start to panick again. I dont want to make a scene, so I ft Colby. Hopefully he's awake or will wake up. I feel horrible calling him but I don't know what else to do.

One ring







He picks up
He was sleeping, his voice is groggy. Kinda hot though
"Are you okay?" He turns a light on and squints
"I'm sorry for bothering you but my mom, and dad..."
"Hey hey, calm down, I'm right here, tell me everything"
"I woke up to my mom screaming, I went downstairs and she was in a corner and he was over her. She screamed at me to run so I did. I ran and ran and now I'm at a diner getting breakfast. I'm totally freaking out and I just needed to talk to you"
"Babygirl I'm coming to get you"
"No it'll be okay"
"Please just let me"
"Not yet"
"Next time something happens."
"Don't ever hesitate to call me, I'll always be here"
"Okay I won't. Thank you Colby"
"Anytime princess"
He smirks at me, I smirk back. The waitress comes and takes my order, I stay on the call with Colby. We joke around and he reassures me on everything.
"I should go home now and see everything"
"Well I'll be right here"
I smile and start walking home, as soon as I get there I notice my mom's car is gone. Relief comes over me.
"She's not home"
"Okay good, be careful please"
I put the phone on my pocket and climb the tree and get into my room. I shut the window silently. I grab my phone
"Let's text" I whisper, he nods his head And I smile. We hang up and start texting

Author: kinda short, it gets better tho

Wrong Number~Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now