Starting Over

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I feel myself slowly wake up, pulling open my aching eyes. The ceiling is gross, white tiles, and by the beeping surrounding me, I gather that I'm in a hospital. I groan and shift around, feeling a burning pain in my chest. I hear my heart rate climb on the moniter next to me and a nurse is suddenly at my side.
"Everything's all right, but you need to calm down or you'll be administered a sedative."
"What? What the fuck... is on my face?" I ask, running out of breath halfway through my sentence.
"We entered a tube through your nose and into your stomach to deliver food. This will stay in until you begin eating normally again."
"I want... my dad."
"I'll see what I can do about getting your father in here, but you are in the ICU, which means he won't be able to stay."

I close my eyes and minutes later, my dad's barreling in. He takes one of my hands and I feel how warm he is. I'm terrified to be in here. I don't know what's going on and I don't really know where I am and I don't know how long I've been alseep.

"Ally. Ally, baby, you'll be alright. You've been alseep for about 3 days. They had to constantly keep you sedated for fear of you ripping out the tube. You're gonna start therapy as soon as you're out of here." My mind spins out of control. There's food in me now? I suddenly register the feeling of it. I can feel the steady weight resting in my stomach and I feel sick. I can practically feel vomit rising in the back of my throat.

''Honey? Ally?" I meet my dad's eyes and I feel horrible seeing the guilt that's present there.

What have I done?

Sinking Through the CracksWhere stories live. Discover now