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Chapter 1:     F L O W E R     P O W E R


Celeste smiled. Her long, curly, honey colored hair, falling across her thin face as she giggled. That day was especially warm, the evening clouds were just beginning to turn pink. A knock sounded at the door, and Celeste called to the sound.

"Come in." She called, her voice soft and innocent.

Lucy, Celeste's maid stepped in. She bowed her body at the young girl, showing respect for the princess. 

"Princess, dinner is being served. So the girls must leave." Lucy motioned to the four other girls, sitting in a circle, on the floor, with their sketch pads out. 

"Can't you ask mother and father if they can stay for a little while longer." She pleaded. Lucy smiled.

"I'm sorry, Princess, but the girls must leave. You need a good night sleep tonight before the Alpha King's visit, tomorrow. " After finishing she bowed yet again and exited the room. 

Celeste sighed. 

Charlotte, one of Celeste's best friends spoke: "Lucy is right, we better get going. Rose, Sasha, Katherine and I better get going as well. We all need a good night's sleep before the Alpha King comes." Charlotte hugged Celeste, thanking her for letting them all hang out at the castle.

"Yes, and besides, who knows one of us might be the Alpha King's mate." Katherine raised an eyebrow at Celeste and all five girls giggled. 

Even thought Celeste laughed, it still frightened her deep down inside, thinking about the strong, protective, and dominant, Alpha King of the North. Sasha and Katherine could tell it scared Celeste, by the way her breathing became retched. Katherine snuggled into Celeste.

"Don't worry, Celeste, the Moon Goddess, would definitely not pair an evil and controlling Alpha King with such a sweet and innocent girl like you." Katherine assured her. The other girls nodded, agreeing.

"We should probably get going." Rose pointed out. 

"Yeah." Agreed Sasha.

"We will see you tomorrow." Katherine said. 

And we that, all four girls left the castle, leaving Celeste in her Art room alone.

_ _ _

In the 17 years that Celeste was alive, she had never left the kingdom. She was home schooled her whole life, learning from private tutors and instructors. She was car fully guarded and sheltered from everyday life.

In her 17 years of life, she had never let a single curse word slip through her lips. Celeste had never watched,read, or acted inappropriate in anyway. She was pure. Innocent. 

She had never had a boyfriend, let alone any boy friends for that matter. Her parents made sure she was always guarded and safe. Never putting her in danger.

_ _ _

"Oh! You look adorable!" Celeste's mother exclaimed as she sat down for dinner, in the grand ballroom. 

Her mother straightened Celeste's light pink shirt, with the words: Flower Power. Written across, in cursive handwriting.  She kissed the top of her head before proceeding to her own chair. Her father, Alpha Lucas, sat at the very head of the table. A smile graced both of her parents faces. 

Celeste was, and had always been, the couple's only child. Felicity, Celeste's mom, had a very hard time getting pregnant. And failed to conceive any more children. 

"Mother, Father.Will I get to meet The Alpha King ?" She questioned, innocently. 

Her father almost chocked on his dinner. Anger bubbling up inside of him.

"Of course not! You will stay in you bed chambers and not leave unless I say so!" He growled out. 

Celeste's lip began to quiver and a small tear escaped her eye and ran down her cheek. Her mom glared at her husband and got up to hug her daughter. Her father immediately regretted his outburst and began to apologize profusely.

"Oh. Darling! Don't cry, daddy just wants you to be safe. The Alpha king is a ruthless, evil, man. Daddy, just wants to protect you, because he loves you." She hugged her daughter, and rubbed her back gently, in a soothing, motherly way. 

Her father stood up and made his way across the table to her. 

"Angel, I love you. Your mother and I. We love you, and we just want to keep you safe. We know we are protective, but I didn't mean to snap. I just want to keep you safe." He smiled, and kissed the top of her head. 

Celeste wiped her eyes, and sat up straight.  

"It's okay, I know you just want to keep me safe."She assured her parents, both let out deep sighs. Knowing that there daughter was okay.

_ _ _

3 Hours Later 

After finishing dinner, her mother suggested Celeste to take a bath, to cheer herself up. Celeste happily obliged. 

After taking a long, relaxing bubble bath, Celeste changed into a sheer, white, lace nightgown. She trudged over to the bay window in her room that over looked the front of the castle. Outside it was dark, the only thing illuminating the sky was the crescent moon. She sighed, tired and confused from the day.

As she lay in bed, Celeste's mind raced.

Who was the Alpha King?

Why was he so feared?


"We are the Music-Maker, We are the Dreamers of the Dreams." 

- WIlly Wonka 

Author's Note:

I really hopped you enjoyed! Sorry if it's not that good, I'm just getting into this! 

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