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A deep growl sounded from behind her, and then a clattering. Micheal lay on the floor, and beside him near the wall, Zander was holding Luke's neck, choking him.

"You fucking touch her-" He screamed. Luke just gave a weak devilish smile. He let in a raspy breath. Two guards approached Celeste, pulling her in by the arms. 5 more men burst through the doors, all wearing Zander's uniforms. The began to fight hard against the guards that were holding Celeste back.

One of Luke's guard's swooped down and picked Micheal up, his head was bleeding. Once Zander had put him down, to attack luke, a guard had come and hit the child over the head. The people in this castle knew that Celeste's weakness was Micheal. She cared so much for him as if he were her own child. Celeste let out a scream as the guard dragged, Micheals small body away.

"Let go of him, " She called as the men fought around her. She felt her breathing quicken and her heart rate speed up. She felt the tears coming to her eyes.

"Everyone Stop!" She stretched out her hands. Everything froze. She gasped. Everybody was frozen still at this moment in time. She looked down at her hands.  She pulled herself free from the guards and ran over to where Micheal's frozen, broken body lay. She pulled him into her arms, and let out a choked sob. 

"Micheal, please, Micheal." His body unfroze, his breathing faint, and his heartbeat slow. 

"Don't die on me, baby." She cooed. She began to pump his chest breathing into his lungs, she knew the hist he took had knocked the air out of him. She tore a piece of the tool from the flowy dress she was wearing and blotted it, onto Micheals's head, before tearing off a new piece and wrapping it around his head to help stop the bleeding.  She felt the tears streaming down her face, and she held him close. 

Before she knew what she was doing she lifted one hand in the air and twirled it, everybody around he came back into the moment. There bodies unfrozen. She was confused, she didn't know she had the power to control people like that. Once out of their daze, everybody stopped and looked around. Confused as to what just happened. Before anymore fighting could happen, a loud sob racked Celeste's body.

Everybody turned to look at her, she was slumped on the grown with Micheal in her hands and tears streaming down her face. Her breath shook, she looked up anger in her eyes, "You have hurt him-" SHe gave a death glare towards Luke, who was now slumped against the wall on the floor, regaining his breath. The guards had stopped, some people were slouched on the floor from pain.

"I don't care who, or what your fighting about. You can take me for all I care just don't you dare touch him." She pulled herself up of the ground and looked around herself, injured groaning people lay on the grown all because of her. 

Zander stalked foreword, "Are you hurt are you okay?" He frantically searched her body, his eyes roaming up and down. 

"I'm fine Zander," She pushed Micheal into his arms, his body limp, "Please just save him." Before anybody could say anything or think, Luke jumped from his place in the ground and tore Micheal from Zander's arms. He pulled a small knife out from his back pocket and held it to Micheal's throat. 

" You have to reject him-" He growled. "If you want to save Micheal, you have to reject Zander.

Guards and Zander's pack warriors, stepped back, scared if they intervened Luke would kill Micheal. 

She looked up at Zander with tear-filled eyes, her beautiful mate. She had to save him, she had to save Micheal. She would try to get him back, she would fight for as long as she could. 

" Keep him safe for me." She whispered to Zander. 

"I won't- I won't reject him, I can't. But I will marry you, Luke. If that's what saves Micheal I will." She choked out.

Luke dropped Micheal to ground, Zander, picked him up and cradled him in his arms, a look of hurt and devastation clear on his face. Luke pulled her into his side. 

"You heard that brother, she's mine now." He pulled her along with him.

"I love you," Zander called as Luke pulled her out the room. "I will never stop fighting for you." He called.

And with that Luke pulled her out of the room and slammed it behind her.

_ _ _

Author's Note:

OMG! Happy easter y'all. Sorry, I have been taking so long to update, I just can't quite think of some stuff. I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I love you all so much! I hope everyone is safe and healthy, and I am praying for everyone! I promise I will try to update soon! If you have any chapter recommendations let me know! 




Love you!


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