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Chapter 3:   W I N N I E      T H E       P O O H


The next day

"I love you. Be safe. Call me if you feel homesick." She whispered in her daughters ears.

 Celeste hugged her mother tightly, tears threatening to spill over her eyes. Her mother pulled away, to look into her eyes. She kissed her on the forehead before handing her over to her father. 

"I love you so much. I'm sorry." Her father kissed her cheek. 

That did it for Celeste, her salty tears began to pour down her cheeks. She sniffled. Her mother joined them in the hug. After a minute she pulled away, turning to her friends. All girls were teary-eyed. Katherine pulled her into a bone crushing hug, all the other girls joined in. Sniffles could be heard throughout the group.

"We will miss you." Katherine's lip quivered. Sasha nodded.

"We love you so much." Rose added. 

"Come back and visit."Charlotte pleaded.

"Of course." Celeste stated with a sad laugh.

As she stepped away from the girls, she noticed Lucy standing in the corner with her hands neatly folded, and a sad expression. Celeste stalked to her, and hugged her.

"Thank you-" She motioned to her parents, "Take care of them. Okay?" Celeste asked.

"Of course." Lucy wiped her eyes. 

As she pulled away, she looked around to see her closet family and friends, all grieving her leaving. Zander cleared his throat and glanced at his watch. 

"We should probably get going." He cooed, to the fragile girl. 

His heart ached for her. He truly did love her, and he knew taking her away from her family was terrible. But he needed her all to himself. He didn't want anyone getting in the way, not even her parents.

As she stepped into his fire-red sports car, she pressed her hand to the window, rolling it down. 

"Bye! I love you!" She called as her family and friend's faces slowly faded into the distance. Celeste hugged her Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal closer to her chest. The familiar smell of her mother, was on it. 

Last summer her mother and father wen't down to Disney, and got the kind girl a stuffed animal, as a surprise. Her parent's can still remember the look of pure, innocent, joy the stuffed animal had brought her.

As Celeste leaned against the window watching the trees go by, she couldn't help but dose off. Right when she was about to fall asleep King Alpha Zander's hand touched her bare thigh, causing her skin to tingle, and an unfamiliar sensation to spread between her legs. 

Smelling her arousal, Zander kissed her temple which cause the tips of her ears to turn bright red. Causing a devious grin to break across his face.

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