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5 years later

"Mom! Mom! Watch Me!" Micheal called from the top of the hill Celeste gave a smile and waved. Two little blonde boys waddled behind Micheal; Their names being James and Phillip. Celeste had gotten pregnant a year after the wedding, and Celeste had convinced Zander to adopt Micheal. 

Micheal pulled James into his lap, and Phillip crawled onto his back. The three stood at the top of the slip 'n slide.

"Ready?" Celeste called, the three nodded eagerly!

"Go!" The three slid of, tumbing down the hill, drenched in soappy water. 

"Mom! Did you see? Did you see?" Micheal ran up her standing in front, whilst Phillip clung to her leg. James following slowly behind.

"I did! You did so good!"

"Mommy! I got soap in my eye." James whined, wipping at his eye. She smilled, grabbed a towel, and began to whipe his eyes, using water to help get the soap better.

"All better?" She asked, James pulled her into a hug. 

"Yeah, Mom." Micheal began run back to the water slide. 

"Micheal, No! Come back, its almost dinner time!" Micheal ignored, and Phillip and James followed, smirking. She sighed!

"One more time! Just one more time!" Phillip called. Celeste sat down on the grass, her floral sun dress bunching up around her. She rubbed her swollen belly. 

"I can't wait for you to get here, babygirl." She smiled, talking to the baby inside her stomache. Celeste loved being a mom, she had always wanted to be a mom. After the incident , she knew life was too short, and when the couple was ready, they began trying for a baby. To their suprise they got pregnant fairly fast, and were pleasently suprised with twins.

Celeste let out a sigh and smile, life was pretty good.

_ _ _


"Daddy! Daddy!" Phillip called running towards Zander, and launching into his arms. He was still sopping wet and in his bathing suit. Zander chuckled.

"Hey buddy. Did you have fun?" He nodded eagrely and clung tighter to him. Following behind was James, and Micehal, running towards Zander, and Celeste hobling slowley behind. She was almost to the eight month of her pregnancy and slightly uncofortable. 

Micheal ran up to him: "It was awesome! We went so fas!" He shouted raising his hands in the air in triumph.

"Yeah!" James, followed.

Celeste, finnaly standing behind them, and Zander reached out his hand to her, holding Philip on his other side.

"Hello, my love." She smiled, her cheeks turning crimson. She leaned in kissing him. 

"Eww!" The boys called, and Phillip made a 'Yuck' sound before burrying his head into Zander's shoulder. The couple laughed.

"It's dinner time." Celeste, said and the small family made its way up to the dinning room. 

_ _ _

Later That Night

Zander entered the room, Celeste was seated at the end of the bed, her legs swung over the edge of the bed, and she was gazing out the window. 

"They are finnaly alseep." He whispered.

"Good." She smiled.

Zander, went into the bathroom to change, and came out. Celeste stood on the balcony the moonlight shown on her skin making her glow. Zander smiled, gazing at his beautiful mate and wife. He dropped his clothes in the hamper and followed her out into the bacony.

He wrapper his arms aroung her, rubbing small cirlces over her belly. She hummed in approvel, and sunk into him. He kissed her cheek slowly.

"I'm so excited to meet her. I love the boys, but I've always wanted a  daugher." Celeste turned and burried her head into his chest, before kissing his shoulder, and saying:

"I'm excited too." She mumbled. The breeze rippled over them.

"It's such a beautiful night." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. 

"I love you." She whispered. 

" I love you more, you are my everything." He said before connecting their lips.

The two were content. Even though life was never going to be perfect for them, there will be many bumps along the road, but they were willing to do it togehter. Celeste and Zander finnaly got there happily ever after.


This was so much more.

The End 

_ _ _

Author's Note 

I'm crying! I love you all so much and I am hoping the you enjoyed this book! This was such a long and crazy journey. I am so proud, I finaly finished this book! I can't stress this enough! Thank you all, I couldn't have done this with out you!

I Love You!

I will hopefully be starting a new book, a steamy (More steamy then this one) Mafia romance novel! Please check it out, It should be coming soon! 

Please know that you are loved, and always welcome here! 






Grace :)

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