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CHAPTER 12: S T A R S   I N   T H E     N I G H T


Zander stepped out into the cold night air. His shoes making a slight putter patter on the stone staircase, leading down the front of the mansion. A servant quickly stepped towards with his key's which he had given her before diner. He then stepped into the car and close the door with a thud behind him. Celeste sat next to him, her legs crossed and her arms neatly folded in her lap. She stared out the window. The silver moonlight cascaded a shadow around her. 

"Look, I don't know what you heard but, I promise nothing is going happen between her and I. I promise she is just an old girlfriend. I Love you and I am with you-" He pleaded with her.

"Zander, I don't know what to say. It's like I am always meeting a new ex-girlfriend or ex-lover or whatever they are. It's just-" Her eye's filled with confusion and sorrow.

Zander grabbed her hand bringing into his lips and kissing it. "Look, baby, I'm sorry. I was a mess before I met you and, I just needed an easy outlet, and sex was it..." Celeste felt her cheeks get warm.

Zander ruffled his hair and placed his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, OK? Nothing is going to happen. I promise." 

She cupped her hands around his face and leaned in. Her lips only inches from his. Her eyes closed and she let out a soft sigh before kissing his soft, pink lips. 

"I trust you." 

Three Words.

Three very important words. 

Three words that made Zander's heart swell with pride.

_ _ _


The wind blew past Celeste, ruffling her hair and sending goosebumps up her arms. Zander had decided to take the top off of the car because it was such a beautiful night. The moon was full and the stars shone over head. Twinkling in delight. "Lost in Japan" by: Shawn Mendes, played in the background. Zander watched as his beautiful Mate gazed at the stars. The way the her eye's watched fascinated and her hair, messy, yet careless, swayed in the wind. She was beautiful. That was a fact, to Zander at least.

Instead of pulling off where Zander was supposed to he took a different route. Celeste's eye's knitted in confusion. He smiled, a heart shattering, ground shaking, smile. 

"Were are we going?" Her breathe soft and sleepy.

"Its a surprise." Zander's heart raced. He had never taken anyone in the whole world, were he was taking Celeste. After couple minute of driving He slowed down to a stop, and pulled off the side of the road. 

There was little clearing on the side. Zander parked and stepped out and helped Celeste out. 

"So, this place is not too far from home. When I was younger I used to run down here and sit and watch the stars, whenever something bad happened." He smiled sheepishly. Before leading her to a small clearing on top of a hill, behind all the trees. There was a small lake, and a couple small, oddly shaped stones sat on the edge. Zander sat down and pulled Celeste next to him.

"Now look up." He said. 

Celeste's mouth opened with astonishment. The sky above was light purple mixed with a dark blue and black. White sparks, glowing in the dark. It was truly magnificent. The most beautiful thing Celeste had ever seen. 

The trees around them shook in the breeze. Zander watched her gazing at the stars. 

"I always knew I would take my mate here. " He could feel tears well up in his eyes. He wiped them away. Celeste turned to look at Zander. There eye's meeting, and for a second Celeste could see, a slight hint of vulnerably pass through his eyes.

"What did I do to deserve you." Celeste felt her heart break on the inside. Why did he feel so broken?

She leaned into him pressing a long kiss to his lips. Soft and sweet yet strong and passionate. She wrapped her arms around his body before laying on-top of him. His hands began roaming the back of her body. Up and down her thighs, and back. Her treated her so carefully. As thought she might break.

She pulled away breathless, her hands still in his hair, and his hands still around her thighs. She felt her heart beat faster, and she could feel the butterflies erupt inside her stomach.

She pulled away and laid next to him, there hands intertwined. Zander pointed his free hand up to the sky.

"All the stars in the night sky, shine for you." He whispered.

_ _ _

Author's Note:

WOW! Thanks for so many read you guys, you are all the best. I love y'all! How is everybody! I am supper sorry for not updating lately! I Have been so busy! I cant post for another week because, I am going on a school camping trip! Also so I am in 8th grade and I made the High School Swim Team! YA! I had a good day today but, I am fighting with one of my friends which kind of sucks but yeah! I just want to say thanks for all the support! I love you guys! How are you?

I love you! 

You are loved, please remember that!


Grace :)

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