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Zander had been working day in and day out, devising up plans to save his mate. He hadn't sleep in a week, the amount of time that she had been gone. She hadn't fully rejected him, he was going to fight for her. To get her back.

Micheal had been in the hospital since the fight, he had some serious head damage, Zander had visited him every day. He knew that's what Celeste would have wanted him to do. Micheal had been put in a medically induced coma, since the incident, the doctors had told him that was the only way the could keep him alive right now. 

Zander sat hunched over his desk. One of his favorite warriors walked in.


"What?" He grumbled out, not having slept, and missing Celeste caused his mood to drop drastically.

"We have been inspecting Luke's territory. He's placed a force field around the castle and got some witches or something to add some sort of magical curse, I don't know Alpha. What I'm trying to say is it's nearly impossible to get to her." 

Zander let out a low growl, "Well, god damn it! I don't know figure something out! Can't we counteract the curse or something, we have powers to-" He was beginning to feel hopeless. 

"Alpha, I really don't think there is any way we can-" He was cut off with a loud roar. 

"I don't care what you think, your Luna is being held captive in another pack! We are going to save her if it's the last thing I do!"

* * *


It had been a week since the fight. She missed Zander so much, being away from him for the long was physically sickening. Luke and Celeste had been ' Married' not legally at least, but he had put on a special, ceremony in which his pack had come to watch them exchange vows. The whole thing was excruciatingly painful. Luckily he hadn't forced her to do anything other than kiss him. He told her that he was going to have sex with her, two weeks after the wedding, to make sure that she was adjusted. But that doesn't mean that he hadn't tried anything yet. Every time he touched her, she felt as though she was being burned as if she was being stabbed. 

She had practiced the weird freeze thing that had happened during the fight. She never realized she could do that, but she hadn't practiced much. She felt tired and drained and was too worried about Zander and Micheal to care much about some dumb 'gift' or 'power' that she had. 

Celeste sat in the garden, the one peaceful place she liked. It was outside and out of people's reach, where she could think and reminisce about Zander. 

She was so worried about Micheal and Zander. Zander had promised to save her before he left but, Luke had told her that he had put up a protective forcefield around his territory, to keep him out. She was worried about Micheal, she hoped and prayed that he was okay, and had recovered fully. 

"Celeste" A deep voice grumbled out, she felt her self go rigid. It was Luke.

"How is my sweet, darling, mate." He pulled her into his arms and then sat down next to her. He smelled horrid, of smoke and alcohol. She pulled away.

"I'm not your mate." She whispered, her voice sounding defeated. Luke grabbed her jaw and forced her to look at him.

"I don't fucking care about what you want or what you think. You are mine now, I won you fair ad square, I own you and I control you. I will mate you and mark you tonight." He growled out letting go of her jaw.

"No you won't, Zander will save me." Her voice trembled. 

"No little one, he won't, he can't. Do you honestly think that he will save you, he doesn't even want you." She felt a tear escape her eyes, she wiped it away, but not fast enough for him not to notice. He gripped her hair and began pulling her along with him.

"Stop fucking crying." He grumbled he led her to a small dark, cement room. It was dirty and dark, he shoved her in and locked the door. "You can come out when you decide to be a good girl."

Celeste let out a sigh of defeat and let the tears run down her cheeks.

"Zander, please save me" She whispered out.

Author's Note

Bro! Two chapters in one day! Y'all are welcome!!! I love you all so much and I hope you liked it! I just had to keep writing! I will try to write again soon but I am so tired out from writing today! I love you guys and hope you enjoyed!



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