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Chapter 4: B A B Y G I R L

King Alpha Zander 

Celeste, backed away slowly, trying to hide herself behind Zander. She was awfully confused, hoping to not be noticed by the woman who laid, sprawled across the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Zander growled, startling Celeste by his outburst and hostile choice of words. 

The woman inched up to him, placed her hands on his chest and leaned into his ear. 

"You know what I-" she stopped speaking abruptly, noticing the small, fragile, girl cowering behind Zander. 

"Who's this bitch." She pointed at Celeste, jealousy clear in her voice.  Zander pushed the woman's hand off his chest. 

"Don't talk to her like that-" he growled. "This is my mate, Celeste."

"Oh." She said as though Celeste were nothing but a piece of garbage on the side of the road. "Well, little girl, I suggest you scurry along. Zander needs somebody who's experienced and knows what there doing. Not some stupid naive girl like you. " She spat out.

Celeste backed away, tears clear in her eyes: "Run along know." The woman laughed, mocking her. Before Zander could go, Celeste ran off. Anger boiled inside of Zander.

"Get out." He yelled scarring the whore he had slept with days before. Startled she scurried across the room, picking up her clothes. "You have no right to talk to Celeste that way! She is my mate and your future Luna. You should be glad I don't execute you for treason."

And with that Zander stormed out of the room, searching to were Celeste had run off to.

_ _ _


Celeste sat on the park bench beside the fountain. The slow hum of the water calming her jagged breathing. Her cheeks were tear stained, and her hair was wind blown, from running far into the garden. She sniffled, trying to clear her mind.

Celeste thinking about what that woman had said. She was right. Celeste felt as though she were weak, a crybaby. She wasn't as powerful or as strong as him. She could never rule beside him. Besides, according to the woman, Zander needed somebody who was experienced, who could meet his needs. t was all very confusing to Celeste. She had know idea what meeting his "Needs" were. 

She just wanted to go home.

"Babygirl." The familiar voice of Zander, pulling her out of her thoughts.

She looked up, to find him standing only a few feet away. His breathing rigid. His short, night-black hair, messy from running. His golden eyes filled with worry, his muscular chest moving up and down, following the steady pace of his breathing. 

He moved closer, and sat down. He put his hand out, cupping her face with one hand. Celeste cast her gaze downwards, shyly. 

"Look at me." He pleaded. She looked up. Zander's eyes were met with the most beautiful chocolate brown ones.

"I'm really sorry that she said that, Kitten. Look she was just jealous that someone as kind and wonderful as you was my mate. I promise nothing that said was true." He let go of her face, and pulled her into his lap.

Celeste sat straddling him, her face buried in his chest, his hand hands wrapped around her waist, her's around his neck. She sniffled.

"I think she was right. I'm not strong enough to rule by you. I won't be able to meet your needs. Whatever that meant." She stated sadly.

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