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Celeste felt strong, rough arms around her body, and deep voice rang in her ears. 

"I've got you know." The voice whispered, angry and violent. 

She felt tears in her eyes begin to from, and she let out a high-pitched scream. Before Celeste knew what was going on, she felt a sharp pain in her head, and a somebody covering her mouth. A harsh smell invaded her nostrils, before everything went black. 

_ _ _

Celeste awoke to a familiar cry, she opened her eyes slowly and sat up. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust, but in the corner sat Micheal, curled up and loud  hiccuping cries were coming from his lips. He looked up after hearing Celeste's movements. He jumped up and ran to her, embracing her. 

"Micheal, baby, can you tell me where we are?"

He sniffled, "I-I don't know. I think the guards said something about a Rogue King."

Celeste took in a sharp breathe and looked around the room. It looked like a jail cell, there were bars in the front that showed a long, eerie, dark hallway. There were to ugly, itchy, dirty beds and a small sink in the middle of the room. Before Celeste could say anything a grumble startled her, and outside stood a tall, strong, but not as strong as Zander, ugly, angry looking man. 

"She's awake." He called, and two guard stepped out of the darkness and unlocked the jail cell door. Micheal clutched onto Celeste tighter. 

"What do you want." Celeste spit, she ignored the fear in her stomach. She knew she was trapped and when it came to Micheal, she was going to protect him at all costs. The man stepped foreword, and Celeste stood up, and pushed Micheal behind her, not wanting him to get hurt. 

"Well, she is a little feisty isn't she. Based on what Zander told me, I would have thought you would have been a lot more, shy."

He stepped foreword to her, and placed a hand under her chin. Celeste's breathe was caught in her throat. 

"You, are mine now. I can do, whatever I want with you. I own you." He growled before slipping a finger under the hem of her short.  He let out a evil psychotic laugh. 

Celeste slapped his hand away, and grabbed for his neck. The man being caught of guard stumbled backwards. 

"You will not touch me." She hissed. The two guards rushed into the jail cell, and quickly pulled her off, and the strange man began to laugh again.

"Fight back all you want. I own you now." He stood up, slightly shaken up and dusted himself off. 

"The more you cooperate the easier this will be, and the less he will be hurt." Celeste turned around fast and noticed Micheal being held by one of the guards with a gun pointed to his head. Tears were streaming down Micheal's face. 

"You either cooperate, we give the child back to Zander, no harm done, if you don't we will kill you and him and Zander." Celeste nodded, only caring for Zander and Micheal's lives. "You will follow me into the throne room, I will deliver the child back to Zander, who is waiting, and you will reject him and take me as your mate."

"Who are you?" Celeste growled. 

"I'm Luke, Rouge king and Zander's brother."

_ _ _

Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, I am tired and uninspired and I kind of want to quite on this book. I might just do the next chapter as a happy ending and then just end it, because i really do not like this book. :( Sorry guys. 

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