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Chapter 6: I M A G I N A T I O N

King Alpha Zander

As Celeste walked down the marble staircase, Zander couldn't take his eyes of her. She smiled at him, her cheeks turning rosy, from the attention. As she descended down the stairs, coming to the bottom, standing in front of Zander, he could feel his heart hammer in his chest and his breathe dissipate. 

Zander had never felt like this, about anyone, ever. He held out the flowers, and she giggled slightly taking them from his hands. As they turned, he placed his hand on the small of her back.

"Were are we going?" Zander tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. 

"Well, I decided that we could go into town, and eat at this amazing restaurant, just north of the beach. It has Italian food." He smiled.

"Sounds Delicious." She added.

And with that, Zander helped her into his bright red sports car, and they were off.

_ _ _


Celeste felt her cheeks redden as she exited the car. People were staring, pointing and whispering. Men with cameras swarmed them. Zander grabbed her hand, guiding her into the restaurant. As they entered the empty restaurant, Zander began to speak.

"I got them to shut down the restaurant, and only keep open for the two of us. You know being the most powerful kind has it's benefits." Zander bragged, Celeste chuckled rolling her eyes.

Zander really thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. 

After being seated and ordering, Zander couldn't help but let his gaze wander to Celeste's cleavage. His face turning red as he realized what he was doing, he quickly stopped.

He cleared his throat, and began to speak. "So Celeste, I think we should start talking serious stuff. I know we have only been together for a couple of days, but you are y mate and I kind of what things to move faster." Celeste's hearts hammered in her chest.

"I really want to mark you soon, like maybe in the next week. I want to introduce you to my family, get married, mate, have pups. I want to do all this in the next year or so." Celeste felt her heart speed up and her breathing started to come out in short pants. 

"Zander, I love you." She stated brushing her hand against his cheek. "But, I'm only 17. I'm not ready to have kids or get married. I want to get to know you, I want our relationship to grow-" Zander let out a low growl, and slammed his fist against the table. 

"Dammit, look I don't really care. I have given you so much. I have given a beautiful home, and I am so caring of you. I don't care if your ready, I am marking you next week. I know it's going fast, but I'm almost 24. " He saw the fear in Celeste's eyes, instantly making him want to apologize.  

A tear fell from her eye. "No, Zander. You can't do anything to me, without my permission. " She began to shake, scared of his sudden temper.

"No, I will mark you next week. I don't care what you say, babygirl, I am the most powerful alpha king. Nobody will be able to protect you, but me." Celeste stood up, her heart full of hurt. Why was he acting this way? With that she walked out, of the restaurant, the paparazzi bombarding her on her way out, Zander followed her out. She stepped into the car her eyes overflowing with tears.

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