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Celeste hadn't talked to Zander in 2 days. She slept in the guest room across the hall from their room, she would eat breakfast, lunch and dinner alone. She would invite Micheal over, played with him. She refused to talk to Zander, this was driving him insane. The maids and servants in the house began to worry about the young couple.


Zender awoke with a sudden jolt. and leaned over in bed, only to realize that Celeste Celeste there. He let out a small growl and got up and got ready, putting on a fresh, blue suit. he stepped of his room, and saw peered into the guest bedroom door. Celeste was fast asleep, her long blonde hair, a mess flowing down behind her back.

He smiled, she was so beautiful and kind. He felt horrible about the way he had treated her a couple days before. He walked into her room slowly and he crouched down in bed next to her. She let out a small sigh and turned over in bed, Zander pulled a piece of her hair back and tucks in behind her ear. He trailed his finger along her cheek an her eyes flutter open from the contact. He pulls his hand away, startled, and his cheeks turn rosy.

"Zander?" her voice comes out as a harsh whisper, anger and confession lace her tone.

"What are you doing?" She questions

"Celeste-" his voice was honey to her ears.
" I'm really sorry." she turns her head to the side not meeting his gaze. She is still angry.

"Look, i know I should have waited and I am sorry I didn't I know it was really and asshole thing to do. I just, I am really sorry. Can you forgive me?" Celeste let out a sigh before looking up.

"I forgive you." She looked down and fiddled with her hands. Zander could feel his heart exploding in his chest from joy. Before he knew what he was doing he cupped her face and pressed his lips to her's in a deep and passionate kiss. Celeste suddenly surprised leaned into him gripping his shirt.

He pushed her back onto the bed so he was hovering over her. Celeste pulled away to catch her breathe. Zander could smell her arousal and was beginning to feel his own as he noticed the white lace night gown she had on, hung dangerously low on her chest. Celeste felt her cheeks heat up as she noticed the bulge in his pant grow. 

"So-sorry." She muttered before pulling her self from underneath him and sitting up. He stood up and straightened his shirt, trying to re-gain composure of himself. 

He cleared his throat. " I din't mean to-"

"It's OK." She stood up, so her body was flush against his. She wrapped her dainty arms around his neck and had o stand on her tippy-toes to reach his height. He wrapped his arms around her. They hugged each other, breathing in the scents of one another.


4 hours later


Zander sat hunched over his desk papers spread all around him, her heard the light putter patter of feet and could smell, the mouthwatering smell of his mate. The brown door creaked open and at first in walked Micheal, with a huge grin on his face. He pointed to Zander and squealed.

"There is Alpha!" He exclaimed, and Celeste followed him in, picking him up swiftly and tickling him, whilst her burst out in a fit of giggles.

Zander sat up from his desk and walked towards the two. 

"Celeste" He began. She put Micheal down and he began to cling to her leg. Celeste smiled at Zander meeting his beautiful eyes.

"We have to go to dinner with my family tonight." He  stated. He was ready to introduce her and he couldn't wait for his family to meet her.

Celeste felt her breathe speed up, she was nervous. What if his family didn't like her? What if she wan't good enough? Zander could tell her nerves were running high.

He let out a deep sigh. 

"Everything is going to be fine. I promise." He kissed the side of her cheek, and her nerves calmed from her mate's gentle touch. 

"Know you should probably send Micheal home, and go get changed." Celeste nodded, before doing as she was told.


Celeste had chosen a white lace dress that came just above knees, she curled her long golden locks in a half up half down and war nude flats. 

She could her heart racing. She was so nervous.

After finishing getting ready she made her way downstairs to were Zander was waiting for her. 

He smiled as he watched her glide down the stairs.

"Ready?" He asked before taking her hand.

"Ready as i'll ever be." She stated.


Author's Note


Another Chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed and I can't believe we reached 2,000! I love you guys so much! Any advice for the book or anything you want me to put in?

Sorry I haven't updated in a while, school is stressful trying to update soon!

Don't worry, have a great school year!



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