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C H A P T E R 11: D R O W N I N G


Celeste couldn't help but feel a slight pang of jealousy, fear, and disgust hit her as the woman press herself into Zander. Celeste tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and clear her throat, the girl pressed against Zander let go, but possessively grabbed his arm. Zander's face was beet red, and Celeste's heart was hammering in her chest. 

She already knew the answer. 

This girl was obviously another one of his play toys. How disgusting, Celeste thought.

"Who are you?" The girl gave Celeste a once over. She wore a tight red dress that hugged her boy so tight, with one breathe Celeste thought her dress would tear in half.

"I'm Celeste. Who are you?" Her voice was extremely angelic compared to the snotty voice of this new girl, that was clutched at Zander's side.

"I'm Scarlett." She flipped her dark black hair and looked up at Zander with lustful eyes.

"Zandy, who is this girl?" She asked in her best, innocent-like voice. 

Zander pulled away from Scarlett. Clearly uncomfortable, and stepped next to  Celeste. 

"This my mate Celeste, and this is my close friend, and we used to date but-" Zander was interrupted by Scarlett.

"Yeah we used to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but he just became so busy and then I moved away, but Celeste you better watch out I might steal your man." She made the last part sound as funny and joking as possible, but Celeste knew. This was going to be one hell of a fight. 

The pitter-patter of footsteps sounded, and in walked Zander's her face faltered for a second when seeing Scarlet next to Zander.

"Oh! Scarlett, I had thought you went home, umm-" The nice lady said, trying to make the situation less awkward. 

"Well, I thought I would stay for dinner, I had just had to sit and catch up with Zander! I haven't seen him in so long!" She laughed fakely and threw her perfectly manicured nails of Zander's shoulder.

"Well, I am sure we can make room for you to sit, but dinner is ready!" 

Celeste knew this was going to be one long night.

_ _ _ 


Celeste couldn't keep herself from laughing, "Continue with the story." Zander's hand was clutched with her's underneath the table. 

"Well then, he got out of the bathtub, butt naked and all, and he pranced down to the grand officers, and told all the Alpha's to keep it down because he was trying to have a 'Nice and relaxing spa time'. I swear all the men in that room couldn't stop laughing for hours." Zander's mom, Shelly, told Celeste.

"Well, mom, I think that dinner was fun but, we really must be going." Zander was clearly embarrassed. He knew his parents would tell his mate old, funny, stories about his childhood, but he didn't think they would tell such an embarrassing story.

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