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3 weeks later

Celeste let out a deep sigh of content as she lazily rested her head against Zander's shoulder, the movie playing in front of the two was "Hidden Figures." a very interesting film, that Celeste enjoyed. Celeste absentmindedly running her hand up and down Zander's thigh. All was content or so she thought. 

But Zander, his mind was swarming with thoughts, ideas and troubles. First of all a new housemaid that just started working in the castle sent him a raunchy picture and Second, he was getting death threats toward him and his mate, but of course he hand't told Celeste yet. Or at the worst he wasn't planning on it. He had set up cameras all throughout the house and stationed two guards at every entrance and exit in the house. 

9 days earlier 

Zander ran a hand up and down the back of his neck, and let out a low grumble. He had been stressed out about work for the past couple days, rouges were beginning to attack more at the border and so many of his good warriors were being killed. He felt as though he couldn't keep everybody safe, especially Celeste.

A soft knock was heard at the door and in walked a short, petite brunette. With a curvy figure but, not as curvy or any were as beautiful as Celeste. She wore her made uniform, but it had looked as thought she cut of  the bottom and some of the top half so much of her thighs and boobs were exposed. 

"Alpha." She let out a soft, seductive giggle, and pranced over to him, her breasts bouncing as she walked. She bent down and placed a tray with coffee on it on his desk. Her skirt hiking up she could see her ovaries from his view. 

He let out a soft grumble obviously annoyed. "Thank you," He stated before continuing back to his work. 

She bent over him so that he breasts were near his face. "Is there anything else you need." She bit down on her lip, tracing a pattern on his thigh. He cleared his throat and stood up, and walked around his desk. 

"No I, think I am OK. You may leave."

"Yes, Alpha." She smiled before over exasperatingly swaying her hips on the way out. When the door closed he let out a loud sigh and plopped into his chair clearly annoyed. 

He heard a soft thud outside his doorway, and got up to go yell at whoever was out there before, her heard the sound of his mate's angelic voice. "Ouch." Zander quickly ran to the door making sure that she was OK. He opened the door to see his beautiful mate laying across the floor, her shorts inched up, and a short crop top on. She stood up, her cheeks flushed. 

"Sorry, Zander, I-I didn't mean to disturb you, I just fell and-" He laughed at her awkwardness.

"Celeste you are different you can come in, you are my mate." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

He pulled her arm leading her into his office, and pushed her against the wall after closing the door. His delicious tall manner, towering over her. she felt the blush on her face begin to redden, and her heart begin to speed up. She smiled looking down slightly, shyly, but quickly noting the bulge in his pants and looked straight up at him out of embarrassment. 

He leaned into her neck, taking a sniff before kissing her, right where he would mark her. Grazing his teeth over it, and sucking on it, teasing her.He placed a kiss on her lips, deeply passionately loving her.  She let out a soft moan and he began to kiss his was down her body slowly working off her crop top, so that it now lay on the floor. Her breasts were perky, and large, perfectly shaped. He kissed in between her breasts and sucked on her hard nipples, smelling her arousal. She closed her eyes sucking in a breathe. He kissed town her stomach pulling off shorts slowly, ever so slowly. She let out a soft moan as she felt his teeth graze her underwear before he pulled them down with his teeth. She felt his hands graze her thigh, and watched as he leaned down to her sex and slowly kissed the inside of her thigh. She felt the heat inside her grow and the longing and desire for him burn. He begin to slowly kiss around the lips of her sex, teasing her. Before placing one, light,  soft, barely touching, kiss to her clit. She bit down her lip harshly, trying to suppress a moan. 

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