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Chapter 8: H A P P Y

One Week Later


Celeste let out a small yawn, as she snuggled herself closer in Zander's hard chest. He brushed his fingers through her hair and took a long s,eel of her scent. He kissed her forehead causing tingles to spread throughout her body.  Her eyes fluttered open and Zander's sexy face gazed back at her.

"Good morning, babygirl." His voice was husky. She snuggled her face in his chest, her cheeks turning bright pink. He chuckled before standing up and exposing his perfect- godly like body to her. 

She stared back at him, her eyes wandering his body. He leaned over her in a intimidating manner, his body hovering above her, their faces so close to touching.

"So beautiful." He whispered. She leaned in kissing him on the cheek. 

"Micheal is coming over today, and I think we are going to hang out. I really want to adopt him and yes I know, it's only been a little while, but I really love him!" Her voice came out as a soft whisper.

"Let me think a bout it." He kissed her cheek before leaving the room.



Zander paced the floor, anxious, waiting for the rest of his friends, and staff to enter the room. He stared out the massive window, over looking the gardens. Outside Celeste giggled, and played around with Micheal.

As everybody had entered the room and gathered around the large, dark oak table Zander began. 

"As many of you know I have found my mate," Some of his friends hollered and whistled, causing Zander's blood to boil.

"But, I am here to talk about her safety and protection, I have been getting few threats lately, and I need security to be with her at all time.  I need to make sure doors are locked, and gates are guarded. " He cleared his throat casting his gaze in the direction of his friends.

"No swearing, or sexual talk around her." He growled.

"Have I made myself clear?" Nods and 'yes alpha's' were heard around the room. And with that they left.

Nobody was ever going to hurt Celeste.




As Celeste and Micheal played and giggled throughout the garden,  Celeste heard a growl sound from behind them, she quickly pulled Micheal close to her chest, she turned around. Standing there was the same girl who was sprawled across her bed the first day she had arrived. The woman wore tight, short, shorts and a cropped, red top.

Celeste smiled at her hoping to receive the same kindness.

But she was mistaken.

The girl barged up to her and began yelling. "You are such a slut! You stole Zander from me! He was my mate, my mate. I am so much better than you! Look at you! You look like a child! You will never be able to fulfill Zander's needs. He need's me and until you stupid whore moves out, he wont realize it! I am going to ruin your life!" She screamed in Celeste's face.

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