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After finding Celeste, Zander took her back to his pack, he had brought her to the pack doctor, and she had been in the hospital for about a week. Zander was worried about her health, even though she repeatedly told him she was okay, he refused to let her leave the hospital for a week. But today was the day.

"Are you sure, you can walk on your own?" Zander's arm was staked around Celeste back, he was trying to be very gentle with her. She let out a soft laugh and kissed him on the cheek, he had been so caring, and emotional once she got back. It warmed her heart because she had not been used to it.

"I'll be fine." She said, Zander, removed her hand from his waist and placed his hand in hers.

As she exited the hospital outside stood Micheal, along with one of the maids at Zander's mansion, Micheal let go of the maids hand and ran towards Celeste, smiling.

"Cici! I missed you," He mumbled, clinging to her. She laughed and stroked his hair. "I missed you so much more!" She crouches down letting go of Zander's hand and hugged him.

The three got into Zander's car and headed home. What Celeste didn't know was that Zander had a surprise waiting for her at home.

_ _ _

The three had eaten dinner together, and Zander had put Micheal to bed. Micheal had been discharged from the hospital 3 days before Celeste, and Zander decided that after all the three had been through he was going to adopt Micheal, he had created a makeshift bedroom but was going to seriously help him to move in once Celeste got home. He knew Celeste would be thrilled with the news of him wanting to adopt Micheal, but he also had some other great news.

The couple had gotten ready for bed, Celeste was wearing a soft pink, lacy nightgown, her long blonde curls falling around her face and shoulders.

She climbed into bed, Zander next to her holding her, the door to the balcony by their room was slightly ajar, and soft breeze made its way into the room. The stars were beautiful. Celeste turned to look at Zander, He had changed.

Not in a bad way, but he had become more caring, more gentle, less forceful. She had softened his heart, and he looked different than the first time she had met him. He looked stronger like he knew more about the world like he was more experienced. Like he cared and loved.

He leaned down, cupping her chin, and slowly kissed her. She kissed him back, slowly and passionately. she felt the sparks between them ignite. Zander moved his hand around her back and pulled her nightgown slowly up so that the cool breeze could tickle her stomach.

He pulled away and smiled, rubbing his thumb across her cheek.

"Celeste, I want to ask you something," She nodded her cheeks flushed. He opened up the top drawer to the nightstand next to the bed and pulled out a small, navy box. He opened it and inside sparkled a beautiful rose gold, simpled diamond engagement ring. Celeste felt the tears coming to her eyes, she knew what he was going to ask.

He cleared his throat, he knew it was going to be hard for him not to cry. "I love you with everything I have and everything I am. I would give up the world for you. You have changed me, you have shown me what true love is, what being kind and caring for others means, you have shown me how to treat and take care of others. You make me feel worthy of love, even though I feel like a monster sometimes. I'm sorry for how I have hurt you in the past. From the bottom of my heart I want to ask you, will you make me the happiest man on earth and become my wife?" He asked wiping a tear from his cheek.

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