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C H  A P T E R 10: K I T T E N


The car ride to Zander's parents house was, excruciatingly slow. The air was on full blast and the stereo played Jimmy Needham's "Unfailing Love" softly in the background. Zander's eyes didn't leave the road and Celeste let out a sigh of boredom.

After a couple of minutes Celeste just couldn't hole it in any longer, "Zander?"

"What?" He grumbled, he was obviously not very excited to be visiting his parents.

"I have to pee." She stated, her cheeks turning rosy. 

"Well, there's not bathroom in site. Your just gonna have to hold it, only 30 more minutes." He grumbled.

"No, Zander I really have to go." She whined.

"Well what do you want me to-" He pushed harder on accelerator.  

"Just pull over." Zander reluctantly pulled over. He gave her a confused look, she awkwardly smiled. 

"What?" He said. 

"Unlock the car." He unlocked the car, puzzled. She opened the door and walked out into the woods, before Zander could say anything.

She lifted up her dress, and hid behind a tree and peed. After finishing, and entered the car, Zander's face was bright red, his face was half confused, half astonished. Celeste buckled her seat and looked ahead, not meeting Zander's gaze.

"We will never speak of this." She stated awkwardly. 

Zander nodded and they continued, not speaking for the rest of the trip.

_ _ _

Alpha King Zander

As the the two pulled up to the large, stone, mansion, Celeste's heart pounded wildly. She looked at Zander and smiled, her breathe rigged.  He smiled and grabbed her hand, leaned in kissed her cheek.

"My parent's are really sweet, you will be fine." Celeste smiled, still nervous. He unlocked the car, excited and opened the door for Celeste. She smiled and he grabbed her hand guiding her up the large cobble stone steps. 

The mansion was huge, with a garden and what looked like a tennis court and swimming pool. There were two glass doors in the front and a large fountain with what looked a wolf. There was a large chandelier seen through the window and tall arch's lined the house. Zander led her up the stairs and rung the doorbell, soft music could be heard throughout the house, and the faint smell of burning wood surrounded them. 

The putter patter of feet was heard and a tall lean woman, with dark brown hair and beautiful eyes were met, at the door.

She flung the door open and quickly ran to Zander, "Oh dear! How I have missed you!" She exclaimed holding Zander in a tight hug, a look of annoyance on his face. 

"I know mom, I call once a week." He stated sarcastically, the woman's gaze quickly turned to a very frightened Celeste.

"Oh, and this must be your mate!" She grabbed Celeste pulling her into a hug, pulling away and then inspecting the poor girl, "You are so beautiful, definitely a good body for carrying pups, and-"

Zander cleared his throat, "I think that is enough mom,  you might be scaring her." He gripped Celeste's hand tighter, and pull her in. 

"Oh dear! I am so sorry, but I just would love more grandchildren! I have been waiting my whole life for Zander here to find his mate. You know he try's to act all tough, but he is really just a big, cuddly," Celeste giggled.

"Mom." Zander stated annoyed, not wanting her to finish the sentence. 

"You see he get embarrassed easily, now dear do tell me your name." She grabbed Celeste's hand, pulling her in and she led the two toward the grand dining room.

"Celeste," She smiled, and looked around. The inside of the house was gorgeous. There was a large staircase, leading to the upstairs, and huge paintings of what looked like all the Alpha kings that had come before. There was a long brown wood table and a record player with classical music playing and long drapes, covered in luscious patterns. 

Before Celeste could say one thing, fast footsteps were heard falling down the steps, and ab beautiful girl ran down the large stair case. Her brown hair flowing behind her, she woe a short, tight red dress, and jumped into Zander hugging him.

"Zandy, your hear!" She had a sweet, innocent, almost baby like voice.  

All Zander could think, was: Oh Shit.


Author's note!

OMG thanks for so many reads, I love you guys and I hope you are having an amazing day, sorry I haven't updated in a while, please give me some ideas because i am super busy and also feeling really uninspired and I don't want to let y'all down. 

I hope you know your loved, and I promise if you are going through something it's all going to be alright!

I will try to update again, because I really hate this chapter but, I really wanted you guys to have something to read!

I am going to try to update again! Got to go! 



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