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He pressed his foot to the pedal picking up speed. He felt the wind against his face, his hair flying back. He should wear a helmet but this was just a short journey and he enjoyed the sense of freedom. He looked out to the road ahead, it was vast and empty, perfect driving conditions.

His passenger tightened her grip around his waist, and he eased off the accelerator not wanting to alarm her. They rode at a steady pace, and he took a moment to appreciate the skyline. The sun was setting, turning the sky orange and black. It was a sight to behold. He glanced back, as if wanting to share his thoughts.

When he turned his attention back to the road he froze. A truck was heading straight for them, on the one-way street. Common sense told him it wasn't possible. He briefly wondered if he'd taken a wrong turn, as his foot hit the break.

He heard a horn sound loudly, and his passenger screamed in his ear, as he swerved around the truck. His bike veered dangerously to the side, and he struggled to keep it upright. Impossibly they seemed to be picking up speed, he felt the bike being pulled away from him, and he could no longer hold onto the handlebars.

He was falling, the bike running away from him.

He hit the ground with a thud, the force of the impact making him roll. Finally, he stopped moving, his face ground into the dirt, pain assaulting his senses. He lifted his head and tried to look around him.

He looked for her.

She was lying motionless behind him. Blood turning her blonde hair red.

He reached out but the darkness overcame him...

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