"Careful" Danny said hovering over me helping me rinse Caydens hair off in the bathtub. "Watch it don't get it in his eyes" He whispered under his breath gently rubbing Caydens hair back. "I got it" I laughed a little as Danny moved my hand away rinsing his hair off. "Really?" I raised a brow looking up at him as he scoffed looking down at me then up smiling small at Cayden taking over. "Go get his stuff ready" Danny mumbled as I exhaled getting up walking out the bathroom letting him finish Caydens bath. "Hey buddy" I heard Danny in a high pitch voice as I smiled small shaking my head laying out Caydens clothes."Should he wear the red or the blue one?" I yelled placing my hands on my hips looking at outfit selections as I took a deep breath. "Doesn't matter" Danny yelled back as I rolled my eyes. "Super dad" I whispered under my breath laughing a little walking to Caydens dresser picking out matching socks and a hat. "Hmmmmm" I mumbled clicking my nails on the dresser debating moving my lips to the side. "Here we go" I exhaled making up my mind walking back into our room laying everything out on the bed.
"I can't believe he has to get shots" I said walking back to the bathroom as I over heard Danny whispering to Cayden with him wrapped in a towel.
"Hey" I whispered smiling small folding my arms watching as I tilted my head against the door frame.
Danny glanced over at me then back at our son continuing to talk to him as Cayden cracked a smile moving his lips like he wanted to say something. "Look he wants to talk" Danny scoffed smiling rubbing the tip of his nose against Caydens.
Cayden had his eyes locked on Danny tilting his head back as Danny cuffed his hand behind his head supporting it."He's like so in love with you" I scoffed laughing a little pushing my hair back. "I know it's crazy I love him more" Danny scoffed walking past me out of the bathroom as he went to carefully lay Cayden out on the bed. It was beautiful how much Danny and Cayden bonded I never seen Danny happier.
"Hand me his lotion" Danny mumbled.
"Here" I said sitting down on the bed beside Cayden as I moved my hair to the side leaning down kissing his head. "Babe he's cold" I said seeing Caydens lip quiver as Danny was putting his diaper on. "Awe babe look" I gasped seeing Cayden pout his bottom lip out about to cry as Danny began speeding up his pace."He loves baths but hates getting dressed this kid would stay butt naked if he could" Danny laughed a little shaking his head as I rubbed Caydens curls back gently. "Me too" I laughed. "I'm down" Danny scoffed finishing getting Cayden dressed as he paced over with his car seat. "Come on were gonna be late" He exhaled carefully grabbing Cayden putting him in as he focused on buckling him in properly.
I grabbed my phone and purse putting it over my shoulder as I slipped my feet into my Victoria Secret slides grabbing the car keys. "Alright let's go" Danny said pulling down Caydens car seat cover carrying him out the room as we left for his appointment.Caydens appointment
"Leyman" Danny said to the receptionist sliding his insurance cards on the counter as she slid him back a clipboard he signed in. "Thank you" He mumbled to the receptionist as I slowly took Caydens car seat out his hands going to sit down.
"I'm nervous" I scoffed rocking Caydens car seat with my foot a little looking down as him as I crossed my arms. "Tired" Danny mumbled moving his arm around me placing his hand on the back of my neck as he closed his eyes tilting his head back against the wall."I was thinking about stopping at my moms later if you wanna nap babe I'll take the baby" I whispered as Danny nodded up a little gulping sliding his thumb softly across the back of my neck. "I need coffee or something" He mumbled sitting up rubbing his hands down his face leaning over with his elbows on his knees looking down at Cayden then around blinking a few times. "They should have some" I whispered placing a strand of hair behind my ear as Danny pressed his lips together getting up. "I'll be back" He said sliding his hand across the top of my head lightly.

Literatura Kobieca"We're a team, I don't intend on giving up this easy" He said staring into my eyes intensely.