"She isn't answering her fucking phone" I mumbled during a phone call as my vision was pacing around my office at work as I took a deep breath becoming impatient. "Yeah, I'll give Sarah as ring" I exhaled hanging up shaking my head as Kate left Cayden with my mom way past due. Being today, I had to stay a little later at work to complete some paper work.
She was suppose to be home by now and nobody's heard or seen from her as my blood began fulfilling with accusations. We've been doing nothing but arguing as I've been trying to maintain my cool and composure to be the best dad I can be. At this point Cayden was my world and nobody could change or take that from me. Nothing or anyone else mattered at this point he became my life and full purpose. He was the piece of me I've been missing and searching for within myself for years that's became my best piece of myself.
Kate's been evil to me since the night I've left her at the hotel. Shits been fucking stressful as we both been working and haven't found the time for us to really communicate one on one in person. Especially with Cayden it's like all conversation is related to him otherwise we don't say another word to one another. It was like dating someone you had nothing in common with or how it feels when the flame burns out. I never thought Kate and I would reach this point I began second guessing if she was ready to be in a committed relationship or a mother this young.
I mean shit I know were in our early Twenty's but everything with my son I did with compassion and love. I loved being a dad even though I wasn't ready and was scared too in the beginning. I wouldn't trade this shit for the world, the little guy turned my heart from cold to warm in a hundred ways he saved me.
I decided to keep Ryan's secret being he didn't want Kate to kick him out over his situation. I pay the bills but at the end of the day what she says goes, shit no matter how I feel I just had that level of respect for her and it's her brother. Besides, I told him he has a month to get his shit together or I couldn't protect his secret anymore. I mean seems fair on my end being I can't keep lying to Kate potentially jeopardizing havoc with my family.
I wanted to be a brother but to a extent if you feel what I mean I can't save or change him only he can do that.
Via text to Kate "Yo where the fuck r u???"
I clenched down on my jaw as she kept leaving my messages on seen and silencing my calls. When it came to Kate being like this I began to feel guilt like I've caused it. I never meant to hurt her in any shape or form I never intentionally wanted to or found enjoyment out of it. If I could swipe all her insecurities away I would repair her, if I had the world in my hands I'd give it to her without questioning it. I'd do anything to heal her heart and mind and turn it back to normal before she met me. I began to feel a taste of heartbreak as the days and nights got longer and lonelier with sleeping on the couch.
And fuck, This shit didn't feel good at all.
"I haven't heard from her last she texted me was about a cute top she saw in Forever 21 earlier" Sarah scoffed as I narrowed my eyes a bit confused on the phone. "What the fuck do you mean a top? A top for what?" I asked aggravated. "Maybe she was going somewhere after work I have no clue Danny, if I hear from her I'll let you know just relax" Sarah ranted as I rolled my eyes hanging up the phone. "Bullshit" I whispered under my breath grabbing my keys and phone off my desk as someone unexpectedly opened my office door.
"Knock knock" A familiar voice said as the door cracked opened slowly. "What's going on?" I scoffed trying to remain calm as I glanced at Tracy standing in front of me with folders. "Need help with something?" I cleared my throat raising my eyebrows as I slid my hands into my pockets impatient to stay. "Just wondering who else was here before I locked up" She smiled innocently as I stared at her realizing I fell into a daze. "Shit, sorry" I scoffed squeezing my eyes shut with my fingertips as she laughed a little. "Sorry I just had a long day" I mumbled taking a deep breath as I blinked a few times.

ChickLit"We're a team, I don't intend on giving up this easy" He said staring into my eyes intensely.