Chapter 15 Apart

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"Babe what the hell are you doing?" I laughed looking at my phone scrolling on Instagram with Cayden laying next to me hearing some commotion from Danny in Caydens room. Danny shortly walked into the room with arm full of toys as I looked up watching him. "Mind your business" He mumbled as I rolled my eyes smiling noticing him get onto the bed with Cayden. "Look buddy" He gasped whispering to Cayden as he began showing him the toys.

"Babe really" I laughed as he laid down on his side playing with some blocks. "What? He likes them" Danny scoffed examining the blocks of shapes putting them into the correct holes in the bucket. Cayden screamed kicking in excitement as Danny and I bursted out laughing. "Told you" Danny laughed shaking his head handing a block to the baby as he struggled to hold it. "Like this" Danny said picking it up helping him rotating the block in his hand correctly.

He was such a happy baby as he smiled and kicked his legs playfully looking at the block.

"Dude he's always like full of joy it's adorable" Danny scoffed as I smiled small playing with Caydens toes. "I know" I whispered admiring the moment as I picked up the block re-handing it to Cayden as he attempted to suck on it. "No no no no" Danny mumbled slowly moving it away from his mouth as Cayden stared at him in a serious manor.

"Don't give me that look" Danny scoffed as the baby glared at him. "I don't care" Danny said as I dropped my mouth slapping his arm playfully. "Stop he's allowed" I said watching Cayden stare at Danny with a straight face moving his eyebrows down. "Look now he's all sad" I laughed. "Nah he's pissed" Danny laughed looking back at him giving him the same facial expression.

"Lets be real, toys have germs a thousand hands touch them it's not sanitary for him to put in his mouth" Danny mumbled messing with Caydens fingers as the baby still was staring at him. "He's definitely your son" I said noticing them stare at each other as Danny matched his facial expression intentionally. "Yeah I know he does this all the time like I'm suppose to be intimidated" Danny scoffed smiling small. "He's a little asshole dude" He whispered under his breath as Cayden began sucking on his hands. "Maybe he's teething?" I raised a brow as Danny pouted his bottom lip out shrugging dropping more blocks into the bucket.

"This early? He's only two months" I questioned tilting my head against my hand. "It's possible" Danny licked his lips. "If so we gotta get him some of those icy toys to chew on that you freeze or some Oregel" Danny said as we both watched him suck on his fingers beginning to severely drool. Danny pulled up the blanket scooting Cayden underneath it with his arm holding him close as I rolled my eyes.

"You're like a lion protecting their cub babe" I laughed. "She'll eventually go away I do this all the time take my word on it" Danny mumbled to Cayden cuddling him under the blanket as I smacked him in his back playfully. "When you wanna skip school just give it about roughly fifteen minutes" Danny mumbled to the baby as I laughed. "He's fully attending school wether I have to sit in the class room or not" I scoffed smiling small rolling my eyes.

As I heard some rain I looked over my shoulder out the window realizing summer was slowly coming to a end. "Is that thunder?" I wondered getting up as I walked over to the window looking out of it. "I'm about to shower" Danny said ripping the blankets off getting up as he hovered quickly over Cayden pecking his cheeks a few times. "Well he needs a bath" I said scratching my head as Danny walked past into the bathroom. "Just put him in with you" I said grabbing Cayden slowly undressing him to hand him to Danny.

Danny got in the shower as I walked in the bathroom with Cayden. "Babe here" I laughed holding the baby feeling him kick his legs as Danny slid the shower door open putting his hands out. "Give me him" He mumbled as I gave him Cayden. "Make sure it's not too hot" I whispered under my breath watching Danny for a second as I folded my arms leaning my head against the wall. Danny smiled small as Cayden buried his face into his chest it was the cutest thing I ever seen. Cayden loved Danny so much their bond was indescribable it made me miss my dad entirely.

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