"Does this look cool or?" Danny mumbled glancing up and down at hisself then at me sliding his hands in his pockets. "Yeah babe I like the white shoes better though" I said tilting my head putting in a earring as I glanced at his outfit. "So don't wear the black ones?" He mumbled raising a brow tilting his foot to the side looking down at his shoes as I shook my head disagreeing. "Alright" He exhaled switching his shoes as I laughed a little rubbing my lipgloss together on my lips. I looked in the mirror finished getting ready as I swiped the excess lipgloss off underneath my bottom lip with my finger.Tonight we were going to have a few drinks together with Sarah and Cameron as Danny's mom offered to babysit. "I just hope your brother doesn't do anything stupid while my moms here" Danny mumbled looking in the mirror adjusting his hat. "I'm sure he'll leave or sit in his room" I shrugged pushing some extra bobby pins into the back of my bun. "Yeah I'm just saying" Danny mumbled spraying some cologne on.
"Why have you been acting so paranoid about Ryan?" I crossed my arms patiently waiting by the door. "I'm not I just know he does irresponsible shit sometimes" Danny said patting his pockets double checking for his wallet and keys. "Phone?" He mumbled looking around the room as he went and grabbed it off the bed finding it.
"Lets go" He exhaled as I rolled my eyes walking out the room downstairs Danny followed. As Danny proceeded to repeat his baby sitting procedures to his mother I watched laughing a little by the door.
"Make sure you don't forget" He said to her relating back to Cayden. "Go go go have fun" She said rolling her eyes as I laughed shaking my head walking out the door. "She knows how to watch him babe" I scoffed walking down the driveway as Danny ignored me opening my door moving out the way.He was super protective and concerned at all times when it came to Cayden being babysat. We only trusted a select few to watch him but Danny hated having him watched at all. "Just gives me anxiety" He mumbled starting the car as I pulled the mirror down checking my make up. "He's fine" I said.
"I like wanna install cameras and shit" He scoffed. "Or like monitors with an ear piece" He laughed saying as I laughed shaking my head, he began to drive off to meet up with Sarah and Cameron downtown.The club
"He is just the most precious little human" Sarah yelled over the music about Cayden as she dipped her straw in and out of her Long Island. I smiled small sipping my drink as I nodded listening looking around the club at people dancing. "Have you had sex yet?" She asked raising her eyebrows. "No I'm like scared" I replied. "It's been a few weeks" Sarah defended as I shrugged taking a deep breath. "Kinda wanna get on birth control first" I said rubbing my lips together. "You should try the depo-provera" Sarah suggested as I stared at her. "I heard it's like the most sufficient one" She explained as I began considering it listening.
"What are you on?" I asked her curiously.
"The Mirena" She said.
"What's that?" I laughed a little moving my eyebrows down confused. "They like install it inside you almost similar to a pap-smear treatment" She shrugged ordering another drink as I blinked a few times overwhelmed. "Hey babe" I said touching the side of Danny's face as he put his face into my neck walking back over to us. "I was explaining birth control to her" Sarah said as Danny leaned over placing his mouth on my straw taking a sip of my drink as I rolled my eyes smiling moving my cup towards him. "Why?" Danny said moving in the middle of me and Sarah's bar stools."Because you clearly have weak pull out game pal" Sarah said as I choked on my drink covering my mouth as Danny scoffed bowing his head shaking it.
"Can't that's the best part" Danny mumbled smirking ordering shots as I slapped his arm playfully. "Besides I want like four more" Danny licked his lips telling Sarah as she widened her eyes, I laughed as Danny laughed paying the bartender sliding him a twenty dollar bill. "I love being a dad" He said sliding me and Sarah a shot as Cameron walked up Danny turned handing him one.

ChickLit"We're a team, I don't intend on giving up this easy" He said staring into my eyes intensely.