KATE"And how would you like to plead today son?" The judge asked Danny as I took a deep breath bowing my head playing with my fingers in court nervously. "Guilty your honor" Danny cleared his throat standing with a straight solid posture cuffing his wrist. "That was for aggravated assault and harassment correct?" The judge tilted his glasses down at Danny as Danny gave him a solid nod clenching down on his jaw twice gulping.
He didn't look too remorseful as he busted a small smirk licking his lips as he raised his eyebrows.
I tried my best for Mason to not press charges on Danny but it was out of my hands and power, I didn't have any say or control over the situation.
I still couldn't believe he would pretend to be me and set Mason up."You're a handsome young man you know, Cleaned up nice and have a clean record you seem bright" The judge said taking his glasses off as my heart began pounding. "You have a kid is that so?" The judge asked as Danny glared at him with a straight face. "Yes your honor" Danny mumbled. "Let's set a good example" The judge nodded down to him as Danny gave him a nod back moving his lips to the side.
"You're court ordered to stay away from Mr Mason Miller" The judge said shuffling through some papers as Danny scoffed. "Your son of Mr David Leyman?" The judge asked while raising his eyebrows. "Yes sir" Danny answered. "A wealthy successful family business you seem like a well put together young man, I'd hate to see something as idiotic as a assault charge affect your record" He said as Danny took a deep breath blinking anxiously.
"I'm gonna drop the assault to a misdemeanor being this is your first offense" The judge exhaled. "You are court ordered to pay Mr Miller's medical bill for his broken nose and fractured jaw and sentenced a month of anger management classes" The judge ordered as Danny nodded a solid once. "During visitations or drop offs Mr Miller you are to not be affiliated or present while till Mr Leyman is absent" The judge said as Danny looked over his shoulder at me then away looking down at his shoes.
"Use that thing up there son" The judge said pointing to his temple referring to his brain. "I don't wanna have to see you again" The judge said slamming his gavel down on his platform ending the court hearing as Danny rubbed his hands down his face relieved. He shook his Lawyers hand to hugging his mom as his dad patted his back, I stood up taking a deep breath walking up to Mason as Danny looked over at me with a cold glare.
I gulped slowly looking away feeling bad as I wrapped my arm around Mason's walking out of the court house. I was super torn between the two as I kept my head down the entire silent car ride with Mason. "I'm sorry" Mason said while driving. "Stop it it's fine babe really" I exhaled looking down at my phone as I began to shoot Danny a text about rubbing 'Oragel" on Cayden's gums as he was teething.
Via text Danny "👍🏼"
I took a deep breath beginning to want to write paragraphs as I slowly stopped backspacing and locking my phone. "I need a nap" I whispered under my breath overwhelmed and stressed out.
"What a fucking bitch" I scoffed. "Pressing charges this kid is a pussy dude, It took everything in me to bite my tongue in that court room" I said to my mom shaking my head as I looked down texting Cameron about court. "You were wrong Danny" My mom exhaled. "Fuck out of here I wasn't wrong about shit he should of had domestic violence charges" I spat out angrily clenching down on my jaw avoiding eye contact.
"Maybe you do need to work on your anger and let Kate deal with what she chooses to deal with" She mentioned. "I need anger management?" I pointed to my chest offended narrowing my eyes. "Or does the fucking weirdo who beat the shit out of Kate" I said in a argumentative tone. "Fuck them classes" I mumbled shaking my head sitting down on the couch.

Chick-Lit"We're a team, I don't intend on giving up this easy" He said staring into my eyes intensely.