Chapter 3

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It was a bright sunny morning on the island, and by this time, the young demigod, daughter of a siren and a mortal, was eight years old.


“Mother?” young Amanda called to her mom.


“Yes, dear?” the siren answered back, her beautiful high-pitched voice ringing out like a bell.

            “Why do we murder the mortal humans?”


“Dear,” her mother scolded, “It’s not murder. It’s just our nature,”


“But does it HAVE to be our nature?” Amanda questioned, “Marie said that her daddy doesn’t kill any mortals.”


“Don’t ask such stupid questions,” her temperamental mother snapped, “Marie’s father is strange. Now, you will follow the rules of our kind, and that is final.”

“Well, what if I don’t WANT to follow these murderous rules!?!? What have the humans ever done to us?!?”


Her mother was silent for a moment, regretting her decision of telling her daughter of her heritage at such a young age, and then started to speak, “I knew this would happen someday. I KNEW it. I fell for a filthy mortal, and now you’re sympathizing with them. I just want you to know, I don’t blame you for your madness. It’s completely my fault.”


“I’m not MAD! I’M NOT INSANE OR CRAZY OR WHATEVER YOU LIKE TO CALL IT!” Amanda screamed, her practically marble sized fist shaking. Her teeth were clenched, her eyebrows were turned downwards, and her normally sparkling hazel eyes were in slits, “If you hate the mortals so much, then why don’t you kill ME! I’M HALF MORTAL, REMEMBER???”


And then poor young Amanda ran off toward the sea crying. She jumped into the sea, few regrets. The only regret she could think of was that she would miss her best friend Marie. They did everything together. And naturally, Amanda being part siren and all, she swam off into the distance, until she found a large brown ship full of kind men to take her in.

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