(Chp 8)

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•Bloom pov•

As I'm waking up from the warm bed, I realize where I am. I also realize that I didn't pack any clothes for today. Sh*t.

I sniff in, my nose so congested. Just great. I'm sick as ever. But I get the aroma of bacon, and I love bacon. I start to get out of the bed and make my way to the door.

I push open the door to find myself in a hallway, I swear his house is a maze.

I go straight down the hall, and look for the kitchen.

"Parker? You there?"

"Yeah Babe. In the kitchen."

My god do I love when he calls me babe. It may be a small gesture, but it ment so much to me.

I take a right turn and I find myself in the surprisingly small kitchen.

"It smells amazing Parker! I had no idea you could cook!"

"I like to suprise people." He gives me a little smirk.

"Yeah, I never liked surprises. One time, my stepparents threw me a suprise Bday party when I was 12 and I fainted when they surprised me."

"Well then."

"Yeah. Anyway, whatcha cooking?"

"Bacon, scones, and eggs. Scrambled."

"My favorite. Ya know, I love you."

"I love you too bae."

"Hey, where's your mom?"

"Oh, she had to go to work early this morning. Ya know, being a doctor."

"Oh. Well I don't have anything to get dressed in and I was wondering if I could borrow one of your shirts and some sweats?"

"Anything for you." And then he gives me a peck on the cheek.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom, the food is done btw."

"I'll be here, and I'll wait for you to eat."

Then he goes into the bathroom. I decide that I want to see his living room, to get a good look at his past.

I walk into the living room, (which is right next to the kitchen) I see a nice black leather couch, and a black leather love seat. There's a table in the middle of them with a bowl of candy on it. Then, there's a huge flat screen tv on a table/cabinet. Inside of the cabinet there was pictures. I saw one of little parker, which I thought was extremely precious. After what seemed like forever, Parker was out of the bathroom.

"Hey, I told you not to be gone long!"

"No you didn't."

"Well, I thought it."

"I was only gone for 3 minutes."

"And? Those 3 minutes felt like forever."

"Wait, why are you in my cabinets?"


"I was just looking around, to see little pictures of fetus parker."

Yeah, it may have been creepy. But it was the truth.

"Ok then."

"And I found this one."

I flashed it in his face, his face going from pale to red.

"Hey give me that!"

"Gotta catch me first!"

I proceeded to jump onto the couch, he proceeded to do the same.

"Ha! I caught it!"

"How do you know that I let you have it?"

"Oh shut it."

Then we both just laugh. Not at eachother, but at ourselves.

"I'm hungry. Let's eat!"

We both get up from the couch and go get a plate from the cabinet. I then take 2 scones, 3 pieces of bacon, and a scoop of eggs. It all looked so good. I asked Parker where he kept his untensils, and he pointed to the drawer next to the dishwasher. I took a fork and then sat down next to Parker. We both happily gobbled down the food, which tasted so good.

•Parker pov•

"So, how was the meal?"

"It was fantastic! How did you learn how to cook so well?"

"Well, my mother Is a great cook."

I was happy to hear that she enjoyed my cooking. I tried pretty hard to make it.

"I'll do the dishes."

"Ok, but can you grab me the Tshirt and sweats first?"

"Oh sure!"

I then ran up to my room and grabbed a pair of sweatpants, and a Tshirt and ran back downstairs.

"Here you go Bloom."

"Thank you parker."

I was really surprised when she went into the living room and pulled of her dress and put on the sweat pants and the Tshirt. Right in front of me.


"You just changed Infront of me."

"And? I trust you parker."


"Ya know, I love you."

"I love you too parker."

"Hey how about we go snuggle in your room?"

"I like the sound of that idea."

Then we went up to his room and snuggled. He put his arm over me and then we drifted off to sleep.


Sorry for this filler chapter. But hey, we needed one. I know that this was boring and all but the next chapter will be more exciting. Promise.

I have decided that I'm going to call you guys my little Bauk buaks!

How does that sound? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If this chapter get to 10 votes, I'll post a new chapter on Sunday!

Thanks for reading! Xoxoxo


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