Chapter 22.

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^ when you get addicted XD

Also, there is a lot of swear words in this chapter! You have been warned.

•Parkers pov• (finally :D!)
I look at the cube house, and it looks pretty nice. Except for the neighborhood its in, that's straight ghetto.

Bloom looks happy, yet slightly disheveled. She always has something on her mind, I swear. But this time, I'm afraid it's something serious.

"I have the keys!" Tybzi yells, as he runs towards the door.
"Alright, I'm following!" I shout, following him.
"Hey don't forget about us!" Graser says, looking at Bloom.

I feel a pang of jealously come up my spine, but I know graser has a girlfriend, so the pang just goes away.
I don't want this whole weekend to be jealously.

"And welcome to casa la Cube!" Graser yells, running straight past Tybzi.
"RUDE!" Tybzi says back, smiling.
I take Bloom by the hand and we walk inside together. I see dul, Bee, and Stacy sitting on the couch, just staring at Bloom.
"You are so beautiful!" Bee gushes, when she looks at her.
"Well, you're totes adorbs!" Bloom says, smiling and laughing.
If only H was here.
I go up to the room I'm sharing with Tybzi, so I can unpack.
Tybzi is already up here, so we just chat for a bit.

"So, what do you plan on doing this weekend?" I ask Tybzi.
"Going to do a ton of selfies and pranks, you in?" Tybzi asks.
"Uh, duh!" We both laugh.
"Who we gonna prank first?" I ask.
"I was think we could do straub and rusher, since they're sharing a room." Tybzi says.

"I have the perfect plan!" I say, deviously.
"Tell me all about it." Tybzi says, with a grin.
"Are you ready?" I whisper.
"Yep, do you have the duct tape?" He whispers back.
"Yep, do you have the air horns?" I grin as he shakes his head yes.
"On the count of 3, we'll duct tape the horns, while opening up the door. Then, we'll throw Em, and run." I say.
"Are you sure they're in there?" He asks.

"Yep, everybody's in there rooms. It's 2 in the morning." I say.
"Ok, 1, 2, 3!" We both duct tape the hair horns, then throw them in the room. Oddly enough, they're both sleeping. So we can just watch them.

They jerk awake and I watch as they open up there eyes. They quickly cover they're ears and they look at us.
Game on.

rushers pov
I dream of pax and all of the fans when suddenly, I awake shaking.
I hear a awful noise and I look around to see what it is.
a air horn.
I look towards the doorway and see, out of all people, Tybzi and Parker.
They scurry away as I see straub awakening.

"What the Fuck is that noise!?" Straub half shouts.
"Those Fuckers threw air horns in here." I say.
"Well, then shut them off! Fuck!" Straub says, putting the pillows back over his head.

I put my hands over my ears and run towards the air horns. I quickly go towards the first one, take off the duct tape, then head towards the 2nd one.
I peel off the duct tape, this time alittle but rougher. It finally shuts off. Straub turns over and thanks me, then goes back to sleep.

I head towards the bed, widely awake.
I fall back into the pillow, thinking.


•Bee pov•
I woke up in the middle of the night due to a air horn.
So, I wake up at around 7 feeling very groggy. Dul and Stacy are already out, eating breakfast. Bloom is still sleeping. I go to my suit case and get out my outfit, which is a floral crop top with white denim shorts. I head towards the bathroom in our room to go get ready. I get out my eyeliner, and my mascara.
I finish getting ready, and I see Bloom is awake. I wave to her, then go downstairs. I see that everyone is here, eating sausage and eggs, my favorite.
"OMG YASSS BÆ COME TO ME!" I scream, making everybody turn my way.
"Geez, if I knew you like sausage and egg so much I would've made you more." Straub says.

"Your terrible at cooking. Now, who really made this?" I ask, some laughing.
"I did, gotta be good to the guests." Parker says, winking.
"Oh my god, that was awful." Rusher says.
"Honestly though." Straub says.
"I even woke up from it, and I'm a deep sleeper." Stacy says.
"It was pretty good prank from #PYBZI!" Tybzi says, laughing along with Parker.
"Well, I slept through it so BOOYAH!" Mitch says.
"Of course the leaker didn't wake up." Graser says.
"I needed my beauty sleep." Kermit says, flipping his hair.
"I just took a picture of us eating breakfast, and tweeted it out." Straub says.

"Babe, you look amazing." Graser says, a beautiful smile.
Awes fill the room and that just makes it awkward. I see Bloom walk down the hallway in her outfit, leggings and a Disney t-shirt.

"Hey guys." Bloom says, taking a seat next to Parker.
"Hey Bloomiepie." Parker says, putting his arm around her.
"We have to leave in 10 minutes in order to make it to the cube meetup!" Graser says.
"Alright, let me go get my things." I say, heading towards our room.
I open up the door and look for my purse. I see a piece of paper on the very messy ground so, I pick it up. I unfold it and I see somebody's writing inside. Is it Blooms?

Dear Parker,
I love you so much. You are the biggest thing that keeps me going in the world. I'll probably regret this, but I have to. I'm sorry I'm such a wimp. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you in person. I'm sorry.

The writing just stops. It looks like she was going to write more, but just stopped. There was just scribbles after it. I hear a knocking on the door, so I just quickly place the letter into my purse.
"I'm coming!" I say.
"Alright, we're heading out now!" Straub says, then walks away. Man, do I love him.
I walk out the door with my light-weight hoodie, my purse, and my phone. I can not wait to meet all the Fans.
•Devins pov•
"We're here!" I shout, getting out of the car.
"Wow, it's so beautiful." Kermit says.
"Let's head inside, we got a panel to go too." John says, we all follow him.
It's odd how I got accepted to go with them for the pax trip, with all the stuff Happening with Stacy. Deep down I still liked her, but after what she did, we wouldn't be able to hang out anymore.
"Devin, come on!" Tomahawk said to me.
"Alright, I'm coming." I'm new to all this pax stuff. I was always to much in debt or had to many hospital bills or just was too poor. It was hard to watch all of my friends go meet fans. But this year, I had a 24 hour live stream to raise enough money for my pax ticket.

We walk inside the pax building, handing our tickets to the front desk.
I see a lot people walking around, probably trying to get to a panel.
I was Very suprised when I saw 2 girls approaching me.
"OH MY GOD DEVIN I LOVE YOU!" Both of them squealed.
"Oh my, thanks you guys!" I blush.
"Can we have a picture with you please?" The shorter one asks.
"Why, of course." I smile brightly at them.

The picture snaps and they thank me, then walk the other way. I was happy that I had just met fans. My fans.
I see Paige talking to Parker, along with That girl who quotes Parker. I can't remember her name though.
The girls finish talking to him, and we walk towards the panel room.

We get there in a matter of minutes considering we're 3 minutes late.
We all head up the chairs and sit down. This is gonna be fun.

Since jaelyn is making me update, I had to wait to write about the panel, so you can thank her. (Jk love you)
Now I'm sorry if I don't get things write about the panel considering I know nothing about them so please don't hate on me :D
First and for most,
Ok now that's out of my system.
Another reason why I decided not to write about the panel now is that I wanted to drag the story out abit more for you guys. And also, I love writing this story.
And yes, i know that it's been like 5 days since I updated but I've been a busy girl lately!
I also changed my profile picture if you noticed. I will be changing it again soon, so don't start to like that one.
I want to thank all of you who vote, comment and support this story. Thanks you guys!

Thank you for reading!
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I love all my Buak Buaks.

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