Chapter 23.

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^Friggin adorable pic of #pbomb from Pax :D

Let me remind you guys once again,
I know absolutely nothing about panels except that they answer questions. I am sorry if I get something wrong, but you don't have to read this chapter if it's to frustrating for you. -FabBoo

•Devin pov•
I sit in my chair, staring at all the people in the crowds. I don't have a lot to say at this panel. I kinda think I was only invited since I'm the 'crazy energetic' guy who can keep a crowd entertained.

About 3 minutes later, the panel starts.
"Hello Everybody! First off, I want to thank everyone for coming to the cube panel. Here we'll answer whatever questions you want, and we'll tell you what it's like to be a cube member and a gamer!" John says.
The crow starts cheering, some whistling.

It settles down and we start taking questions.
"What's it like to have a messed up sleeping schedule?" A fan asks.
"It honestly sucks." Graser says, pointing at his bags. The audience roars with laughter.

I pick on a girl, about 18.
"Why have you never tried out for a singing competition?" She asks.
"I know I'm great at singing, but, I feel if I tried out I might get a spot and I would have to quite YouTube." I answer. Some people nod, and others awe.

"Maybe he's afraid." Somebody shouts.
That made me alittle angry.
"What makes you think I would be afraid?" I ask.
"Well, you haven't done it yet, and, you make shit off YouTube, nobody really watches you for you, and your terrible at gaming. Just leave already." He says, venom slipping off his tongue.

"Can somebody get him out of here?" Tomahawk says.
The security guard comes to the guy and escorts him out.
"I'm gonna, go. " I say, tears coming.
He's right.
"I'm coming with you." Tomahawk says

We both get up and leave the panel.

•Tomahawk pov•
Of course, some Asshole had to say that to Devin. He's insecure enough, why make it worse?
I'm walking with him down the pax halls, while he mumbles something i can't understand.
"Tomahawk?" He looks at me with wet eyes.

"Yes Devin?" I ask.
"It's true, what he said. It's all true. I'm just afraid of being rejected. I'm terrible at gaming. I'm just a mess." He says softly.

"Devin, no you're not. None of the cube thinks that, none of your actual fans think that. I promise your not a mess, who's terrible at gaming. Your so much more than that." I say, honestly.

"Thanks Julio. Love you bunches bro." He says, hugging me.
"Love you too Devin." I sigh into his shoulder. I've always had a slight crush on Devin, since I'm Bisexual.

"Let's go back to the panel, alright?" I say.
"alright, let's go." He says.

We arrive at the panel and Devin says a little speech.
"I know I shouldn't of let that hater get to me, but it did. I have been a mess lately, with all of my hospital visits. I'm sorry for my mini breakdown." He says, sitting back down.
There is some cheers in the crowd, which he deserves. He always seems to act so put together, like a perfect puzzle. I don't think I can stop myself from falling now. And I think, that's alright. (#Devindoestomahawk)

•Parkers pov•

"Hey, Parker, I've gotten something to show you later. I believe it belongs to your girlfriend." Bee tells me.

"Alright, show me when we get home." I say, not knowing what she'll show me.
"I'm gonna warn you, it's kinda.... frightening." She says, fear and worry shown in her eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sure we'll be able to work through it." I say, no worries.
"Alright, let's just go and talk to some fans." She says, walking towards the other cube members, me following.

"I LOVE YOU ALL BIZNATCHES!" Graser literally screams to the crowd of people.
"WE LOVE YOU TOO ROBOT!" The crowd screams back.
Some of us laugh at the words, others remain silent. But, I can't seem to get what bee said past my mind.
Let's have fun.

The meetup was very exhausting, yet extremely fun and over-joying.
I met SOOO many loving fans, and got so many little presents and letters. I love this fandom. Bloom had a very fun time meeting all of the fans too, she just seemed so happy. Maybe I really do give her love.

"You remember what I told you earlier?" Bee whispers to me.
"Yep, it never came off my mind." I whisper back.
We arrive to the drive of the house, and everybody gets out of the car.
"I actually have it here in my purse." She says, walking into the house.

"Come to my room, and show it to me." I say, heading towards my room.
"Alrighty mr.Krabs." She jokes.

"Listen Parker, don't be to upset, alright?" Ok?
"Alright. It can't be that bad." I say, hoping it's true.
"Here it is." She pulls a piece of crumpled paper from her purse.
I take it from her hands, and read what's on it.

Dear Parker,
I love you so much. You are the biggest thing that keeps me going in the world. I'll probably regret this, but I have to. I'm sorry I'm such a wimp. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you in person. I'm sorry.

"Parker, I think that it's a suicide note."

Oh no, what's Parker gonna do? Holy shiz nits, what's bloom gonna say?
I didn't actually think of putting that till the last minute, lol brain why you do dis. Sorry this chapters so short!
Nothing else for me to say except, almost at 4K reads! Love you nuggets!

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Love you Buak Buaks!

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