Chapter 31.

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•Parkers pov•
I come back from the bathroom to see bloom on the phone with a blank, white face. she hangs up and stands up. She looks around for a second, then out of nowhere just starts running. I start running after her, wondering what in the hell is going on. She's about 30 feet in front of me. she makes a turn and soon enough I turn to. Suddenly, out of no where a van is speeding towards me.

I think fast, and move to the far left. But, the car hits my hand. It's not broken, I can tell that for sure, but I think I broke some fingers. I didn't even realize the turn lead me straight into a road. For a second, I forget about Bloom and her running because of my hand and the pain I'm in. The van keeps going, not even acknowledging me, going exactly in Blooms direction. Is this the reason she's running...? I snap out of it, and start running again, now very far from Bloom. She's no longer in eye sight. oh crap. 

"Bloom! BLOOM!" I scream out, completely dis acknowledging the few people around me staring. No answer.

Just my luck, I trip over a nicely sized rock, and fall right on my face. no bother, I say to myself. I get right back up and start running again, now my nose slightly bleeding and hurt badly.

For a split second, I think i see some of blooms hair and I start full out sprinting. but no, it's a different girl. I keep sprinting though, because I see the van far far away from me, stopped, with a women in full black hop out.

•Blooms pov•
"Bloom! BLOOM!" I hear someone call out. it sounds like a mans voice... IT'S PARKER!

"Parker! Park-" and suddenly, a mans hand clamps down on my mouth. I try my best to scream and punch him in the throat, and I even manage to bite him. But he must have leather thick skin, because he doesn't even make a sound. I'm screwed. Who was that on the phone? I'm scared. no wonder my parents never took me to fairs.

"Now listen to me, we're going to wait here until the van comes around. When it does, well, doesn't matter, you'll be knocked out in the next few second-" he says, then suddenly, things start going black. how could I not of felt the paper towel?


"Wake up! Wake up!" screams a women.

"Mom?" I call out, forgetting everything that's happened. I quickly snap out of my sleep and sit up. but I quickly fall back down, my ribs absolutely killing me.

"no, I'm mrs.allison, although you can call me alli. How are you feeling?" The Pyscho asks me.

"How am I feeling? what the fuck kinda question is that when I've been drugged, and kidnapped?! Where the hell am I?!" I say, outraged. Quickly, I take a look around.

I am sitting in what seems to be a lounge. There is a tv, some couches, a nice huge bookshelf, and other little things in here, including the comfy chair I'm sitting on. But that doesn't distract me from the fact that I was kidnapped.

"I'm going to ask you one more time, where the FUCK am I?!" I say to Alli.

"Well, your dad had wanted to see you. I'm his home nurse." Says alli.

"My dad? My real dad?" I say, in disbelief. He was put into jail for life.

"Yes, sweetie, your real dad. He had been trying to look for you for ages, but he just couldn't find you. So, he sent out a little search team to try and find you. After a few years of looking they finally found you. Yes, it was a bit harsh of taking you, but there wasn't a better option at the time." She explains to me.

"Actually, I think there was. I was in the middle of having a good time at a fair, then someone suddenly calls me and says I'm about to get murdered so I'm scared for my life, sprinting for my life without even a word to Parker. How do you think he feels! I'm only here for a another week or so and I'd enjoy to spend it with him, someone who cares, instead of a dead beat father who didn't even ask for visitation hours! Even if he did actually just find me, he could've called me or something, I would've went gladly! But now, I don't even want to talk to him because of how outrageous this whole attempt was!" I say, full of anger, shaking because of how aggravating this situation is.

"Yes, I did tell your father that it was a bad idea, but as per usual he doesn't listen to me. So you don't want to see him now?" She asks.

"Not now, not after I've been knocked thinking I was gonna be murdered!" annoyance fills the room as I speak.

"Okay, I understand. If you want, there's a nice bedroom right down this hall for you to sleep in and do whatever you want in." She says, motioning her hands towards the brightly lit hall.

"What, is my father rich?" I ask, accidentally saying that out loud.

"Well, I'm really not supposed to say anything because he wants to do the catching up, but in short, he has a lot of money." Alli says while taking my hand so I can get up.

"Okay. Take me to my room so I can rest, my ribs are aching from literally being thrown into a van." I say with a nasty frown.

She leads me to the room and I open it, then my jaw drops.

•Parker's pov•

"Goddamnit!" I say as the van speeds away.
I call Bloom's mom hurriedly, since I am scared for her life.

"Yes Parker dear, what's the matter? Are you alright?" She asks, obviously full of concern.

"Yes, I'm fine, but Bloom's not! Some van has just taken away Bloom and sped off. We were at the fair and then I go to the bathroom, then she out of now where starts sprinting. I tried to follow her but I couldn't catch up with her agile self." I explain rushed.

"Oh Parker, don't worry yourself, I know exactly where she goes. Don't call the police or anything, I promise you she's fine." Is she crazy?

"What in the world are you talking about? You knew about this? What is going on?!" I ask, now dazed from a unexpected answer.

"Parker, honey, I really must go, but I promise you she's in fine hands and hopefully will be back in a few days. Goodbye dear." Then the line falls dead.

How does she not expect me to absolutely freak out when a white van comes and steals my everything?  I have tried to call her multiple times, but every time I do, it keeps going to voice mail. Why can't her mom tell me what she's doing? I'm not sitting on the street curb, lost and without words, wondering where my beautiful baby has went that she had to leave so spontaneously. Just as I was about to... Never mind.

~Authors note!~
Hey guys, it's FabBoo! Wow the last time I updated was last year I think. Well my life has been a roller coaster since then, way to many downs then ups. Honestly, through the mess of life I got disinterested in writing because I was so down. But now I'm back, and I'm going to finish this soon. Only a couple more chapters left, and I think I'm gonna make the last chapter extremely long, just to prove I'm really sorry for the lack of updates. Now, I have another story to go write, so I'm leaving now. Love all my bauk bauks stay tuned for more! <3

Quote of the chapter// "you've heard if drowning, but never in eyes that mirror the ocean."

Thanks for reading and sticking around :))


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2016 ⏰

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