(Chp 10)

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•Parker pov•
Here I am, in boring ole college,rotting.
Well, not legitimately but that's what it feels like. I miss Bloom and its only been a month. I promised her that I would call her everyday at least once and I've been trying my best to keep all my promises I've made to her. But,
Some promises are made to be broken.
Not all, but some. My stress levels are above the roof, homework here, and homework there. They give us tests every 5 days and it's hell trying to study. I'm at a lecture right now learning all about photoshop and how to use all the tools. When I told Bloom that I couldn't do YouTube forever, i also didn't tell her that after your done making videos (aka you get to old)
Then YouTube starts paying you, kinda like retirement. Since I'm only 19, I don't have to worry about that for however longer. My brain just wants to sleep, but I can't. Worring, about how my grades are doing. Missing Bloom.
"Parker? We're waiting."
"Oh yes sir. Um, What was the question again?"
"What could you use this tool for?" He says angrily, like he's had enough.
Then he shows the tool that makes any thing you click look bigger. I have no idea what the name is though, so I just wing it.
"The maximizer?"
I say guessing.
"Correct Parker. Good job." He says impressed.
"Thank you sir." I say pleasantly.
"Ok children, we will now learn about this tool."
That's when I just tune him out because I'm so sick and tired of his lecturing. 2 more hours of this crap.
•Bloom pov•
Getting ready to go to work, because I skipped out on college. I'm just not college material unlike Parker. I work at a bakery, since I personally love to bake. I also make a lot of dough, haha get it?
Yeah, my puns are dumb anyway.
It's almost 8:30, when I kiss my mom goodbye as I go to work. Then I text Parker and see how he's doing in college before I get into my car.
Bloom: Hey Parker, how's college? I'm heading to work.
Parker: Yeah, I'm just heading back to my dorm now from a boring lecture. Learned about photoshop tools and other stuff I already know.
Bloom: well I gotta go since I'm gonna be late to work. I love you and miss you<3
Parker: bye Bloom, love you and miss you too<3
And then I get into my car while admiring my bracelet Parker gave me. It's just so amazing how he would do this for me and we've only been together for, what? 3 months? Yeah, that's right.
Done after a 5 hour shift, which was tiring. I'm gonna text Parker and see if he's free, because I think I'm gonna go visit him.
Bloom: Hey Parker, are you free?
No reply. Maybe he's sleeping? I'll call him later I guess. I mean, I'd be tired if I went to college too.
1 hour has now passed, so I call Parker again. No answer again.
He can't be sleeping now, I'm pretty sure he has to get ready for class now.
I'm going to go to his college and see if he's ok, or for the worst if he's.... Cheating. But I'm not going to think about that.
(At his college)
He said his room was 131, so I'm almost there. Just one more hall or so and I'm there.
And here I am! Well, here goes nothing.
*knock knock*
"Who is it?" A unfamiliar voice says.
"Bloom, Parkers girlfriend." I say with much force.
"Oh ok, I'll be there in a sec."
And when the person opens the door, I nearly cry and scream in shock.

Heya guys! I left you on a cliffhanger because I know how much you guys love those ;)
Anyway, I want you guys to say in the comments if you think it's a bad person or a good person who she sees, or someone she doesn't know. Any who, I probably won't be updating as frequent as I could anymore since I put in a lot of effort into my chapters, and I have to balance school out. School comes first.
I have a Twitter, it is @ParkerGamesBoo .
As always, vote, comment, share with your friends! I absolutely love reading your guys comments. I also love all my precious Buak Buaks! Bye guys:)

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