Ep 1: Rogue Alien

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*pick up at the end of Season 4. See welcoming message for more info*

"Fear not! We see nothing" Alex laughed nervously and looked at the girl she just kissed.

"I'm sorry, was that?" Alex fidgeted as her mind and knees wobbled. She just felt like it was the right thing to do at the moment.

"No, Alex. It's fine, it was great"

Kelly said as she touched her cheek and held Alex's hand. They stare T each other for so long that Alex was lost in thought and be brought back to a memory, "Maybe we should kiss the girls we wanna kiss"

Alex was taken aback. A pang of guilt rushed over her because she remembered someone who has said those words to her first. She remembered her. Remembered everything about her and the way they used to be.

She was back into reality when Kelly cleared her throat and looked worriedly at Alex.

"Yeah, I'm sorry"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks again for tonight. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Goodnight, Danvers"

"Yeah. Goodnight, Kelly"

They parted ways and Alex was feeling so stupid for feeling the way she feels right now. She knew she was happy with Kelly, she is happy with their closeness and the times they were together but there's still something missing in her and she can't quite figure it out.

She was walking towards her apartment when a stranger running opposite her direction hit her like she was in kind of run.

"What the---?"Alex exclaimed but the girl didn't bother stopping to look at her.

"I'm sorry. I'm running late!" the girl shouted and Alex was stunned to hear that voice again. She turned around and saw a girl running away from her wearing a windbreaker with POLICE at the back.

She knows it was impossible for the girl to be her ex-fiance but she couldn't shake the thought.


Alex chuckles in disbelief as it is the first time in a long time that she said her name. She continued walking when her phone started to ring. It was Kara.

'Hey, Kara. What's up?'

'She knows. Lena knows'

'I'm coming over. Wait for me'

She was ready to run when DEO alerts her of some rogue alien in her area.

"Agent Danvers, come back to the DEO now"


"What type of alien was that?"

The agents started the discussion and Alex notices Supergirl's bloodshot eyes. She followed her sister and hugged her instantly.

"What should I do, Alex? What should I do?'

"Sshhh. It's fine. It's gonna be okay"

Alex never saw her sister so hopeless in this situation. It was always Supergirl who sees the good in bad and the one who sees hope in every people. She has the strength that she gives others in times of confusion and now she's lost all of it.

"Sister's night out?"


They were both laughing as Kara swallowed the last potstickers and didn't give Alex a single one.

"I hope you get fat"

"I'm an alien"

"I know"

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