Ep 11: A Luthor Came

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"Winn, I just heard from the NCPD that the panic was resolved and that those artworks were the artists request from the event that they should show their works only in the form of Hologram"Supergirl explained through the comms just when Winn was about to reply, Supergirl came rushing into the DEO headquarters.

"Well, that was quick. Anyway, who did that kind of thing----Oh, Oh, I know. I know" Winn took out a piece of chip from her jean's pocket and assessed it.

It was the chip they got when Lena and Maggie barged into the DEO. They have no other clue but Lena and Maggie.

"Why?"Supergirl took the chip and studied it, it was just like a small sd card, "You think it's for a bad cause?"

Winn was about to answer when his phone buzzed.

"It's Maggie. She told us to lay off the gallery and if I want some news or you Kara Danvers, she's ready to go tonight" Winn said, pointing his phone at Supergirl.

"On it but tell her to wait, I have something else to do"

"Is that a date? Kara Danvers on a date? Who's the lucky one?"Winn intrigued his friend but she already flew away, "Alex, you tell your sister to not always do that when I'm talking to her about her date. It's so disrespectful. Anyway, how's your thing?"

"A date? She never mentioned any date. Winn, I need to do something. You're in charge here" Alex left Winn, his mouth gaped.

"You all walking out on me, now? Fine"


Kara dressed simply but elegantly. She was stunning in her little pink dress, her hair was in a ponytail and she still wears her glasses. She's nervous about what would happen. She changed the location of the meet up from a bar to a fancy restaurant.

Kara took a taxi to the place and was fidgeting with her purse. She doesn't know what to say when she sees Lena, her best friend whom she lied to for a very long time about being Supergirl.

She walked into the restaurant and sat at the table she reserved for the two of them.

"Any orders, Ma'am?"

"No, just water. Thank you"

It was near 7:00 in the evening. The time she indicated in that piece of paper she put on Lena's table.

It was a nerve-cracking moment but she stood still. She hears a car parked and she hears her heart beats faster than normal. She also hears someone coming her way so she stood up and looked at the one who arrived.

"Thank you for coming," Kara said and offered the seat. Lena took it and looked straight into Kara's eyes behind the glasses.

"I almost didn't"

"So, do you want to order something?"Kara asked her best friend nervously, afraid that she would not be noticed and be ignored the whole night.

"Just wine"Lena answered, taking down the menu. She crossed her arms and looked intently at Kara. Hurt written in her face. She put her hands on the table as if interrogating her friend.

"Lena" Kara was about to touch Lena's hand on the table when she couldn't touch it., "You're not here, aren't you?"

"I am"

"Okay," Kara said and adjust her glasses, "I don't care if you're here or not here. As long you can hear me and understand what I have to say"

The wine came, Lena said thank you and didn't touch the glass of wine. Kara was amused at how stupid she was putting into this kind of thing. But then again, she made Lena feel stupid and doubtful about herself, not telling her best friend that she is Supergirl.

"I....hid...I did it because I was protecting you"Kara started, Lena rolled her eyes, took the glass of wine and sip.

"What, you think I'm not real?"Lena spoke with venom, "I'm here, I'm real and I needed to know the truth but you kept it from me"

Kara started having deep breathed, not sure of what she's going to say.

"I did it because if you knew, people would come after you. People I love and close to me would be in so much danger and I don't want you getting involved with all the strange things that are happening to me. I wanted you safe so I lied to you. I admit it. I'm sorry"

Lena was just nodding and sipping her wine while listening to her best friend speak out the truth.

"Lena, talk to me. I'm sorry and I don't have anything else to say but can I do something to make you forgive me?"Kara asked sincerely, looking at Lena's eyes, studying her face asking for forgiveness, "Let me make it up to you"

"You think I'm still dumb? You think a sorry or a lighted building with 'I'm sorry, Lena' can make me change my mind about you being Supergirl? No. You lied to me. You made a fool out of me. Do you realize somehow the pain and damage that it caused me? Do you?"

They were both inhaling sharply trying their best to stiffen and not let their tears fall. Kara was looking down the table sniffing. She couldn't take it anymore.

"I do, Lena" she admitted, "And I'm trying to make things right, because..."

"Because of what?"

"A man's no better than the pain he's caused the people he loves, and what he's willing to do to set things right"

"Good quote"

"I have to go, Lena," Kara said and hurriedly walked towards the exit. Lena was left succumbing to tears, running her hands through her hair. She couldn't hurt Kara the way she wanted to. She wanted her to feel the same pain she inflicted towards her.

"And now I have to pay. Silly, Kara Danvers" she said smiling to herself. She left money on the table and left the restaurant.


"Alex, I'm leaving"

"What, why?"

"I was reassigned to another hospital, far from here. It was my dream and I'm finally going to make it"

"I'm...I'm happy for you but I have to ask you something...about the painting"

Kelly hesitated but began to tell the truth.

"It wasn't me. I'm sorry for lying, Alex. I wanted to impressed you and figured to take things between us on a higher level but I had an offer and I had to make a choice"Kelly explained, feeling guilty on what she did.

"Yeah, I get it, "Alex said, nodding her head. They were walking towards Kelly's apartment.

"I'm sorry, Alex but I'm choosing my career and I hope you get to choose what your heart truly desires"Alex was shocked at Kelly's confession, "I see the way you look at her, the way your eyes shines when you see her even just a quick glance. It's Maggie, it's always been Maggie" Kelly smiled sadly but kept her chin up and looked at Alex, she caressed Alex's cheeks and Alex just closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Kelly. I know I have feelings for you and-----"

"But not the way you have for her, I know it, Alex. And I want you to be happy, to be truly who you are. I am so thankful I met you"

"I'm gonna miss you"Alex hugged Kelly and said their goodbyes for the last time.

"So as my friend, can you drive me to the airport tomorrow?"

"Sure, I will. What are friends are for?"


"Winn, I can't meet Maggie. Could you tell her that?"Kara asked through the phone while trying to sound like she's not crying.

"Kara, what happened?"Alex intruded, "I'll see you now, okay? I'm coming"

"I thought you have something else to do?"Winn asked, "Oh, was that not okay?"

"I'm coming. Wait for me. Don't do anything stupid, okay?"Alex said and again, left Winn in charge.

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