Ep 14: Dancing Shadows

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"Oh my god! It's so hot in here. Is the AC on?"Winn complained while fanning himself with his hands.

In his usual outfit, his sweat is building upon his forehead, wiping it away and checking the temperature.

"Wow! This is very unusual but the weather report says it's gonna be very hot today and for the following days. What do they call this? Oh, it's El Niño. I didn't know we could experience this phenomenon"

Winn returned to his seat still fanning. He roamed his eyes and found that every single one of the agents was fanning themselves too and doing everything to beat the heat.

His iPad got knocked off while he was fanning so he picked it up and notice something have moved. It was a dark movement that his eyes can not follow so when he stood up and can't find what's wrong, he called for help.

"ALEEEXXXXXX!!!!!"Winn shouted and Alex came running towards him asking what's going on but Winn can't seem to speak.

"Winn, what is going on?"Kara tried asking her friend but Winn can't explain and can't open his mouth to speak. He was sweating and Alex gave him a glass of water he just chugged within seconds.

"I think I saw a ghost?"Winn was not sure but Alex took it seriously. He knows Winn is afraid of ghosts that's why he panicked and can't say what he's about to say.

"Winn, you can do it. Come on, deep breath..1...2...3---Ouch, Kara why did you step on my foot?"Alex was annoyed but Kara seemed unbothered and defended herself.

"I did nothing. Come on, ---Ahh!"Kara screamed, she felt it, too. The agents looked around and felt goosebumps but Alex was quick to composed herself and told them that it was nothing.

"Agents, you have nothing to worry about. Come on, back to work. Winn and Kara, I'm leaving you here both in charge. I'm going to the airport"Alex announced that earned a raised brow from Kara and Winn, "I have to accompany Kelly, I know it wasn't much of a send-off but she's leaving and she said that she's gonna miss you all"

"Oh, wow. Good for her. I know I was a bit distant but I like her. She's a good doctor" Winn said to which Kara seconded.

Last night, Alex told Kara about Kelly's departure and apologized for not being there for her sister when she needed her and for being distant too and not appreciative of Kelly. Kara was the one to talk when Kelly hasn't even tried approaching her.

"I'm going. I'll see you two, later"


"Winn, ghosts are not real. I mean, they could be but they couldn't hurt you. Don't worry, I'm here and I'm gonna make this place colder"

Kara with her superpowers blew some cold air at the headquarters that made the agents comfortable and get back to their work.

"I" ll be here" Kara assured Winn as she walked to the DEO's balcony and felt the unusual heat of the sun. She neglected the heat and looked below her.

Scanning for some unusual happenings. Waiting on her queue to change into her Supergirl outfit. She was scanning through the city looking at people not enjoying the heat and looking exhausted not from their work but from the sun.

She was looking through a fruit stand when a sudden movement caught her eyes. She tried to follow it but it seems to transfer from one shadow to another. Maybe it was the heat.

"Kara! I found something!"Winn went to Kara but he stopped and looked at Kara's feet, "Oh my god! Kara!"Winn was quick to act and pulled Kara inside and closed the door at the balcony.

"Everyone closed the windows!"Winn ordered and the agents were quick to act. They followed Winn's orders and closed every window at the DEO.

"Winn, what is happening?"

"This...this is happening!"Winn projected a video of someone who was taping walking her dog when suddenly the shadow changed and not mimic her reaction.

"After a while, it was gone but the video became viral and several reports have been filed regarding this issue. Oh-Maggie's calling"

'Winn, we need some help. We couldn't find the culprit. We're at the airport now. Reports say that thing was here. We need supergirl'

The call ended even before Winn could answer. Supergirl knew it was time.


"You take care, okay? I'm gonna miss you" Alex said and hugged Kelly. They waved each other goodbye and Alex wait until Kelly was nowhere to be seen.

Moments later, she received a text from Kelly saying the plane's on take-off and that's her cue to leave.

'Thank you so much, Alex. I'll see you when I see you. Take care and follow your heart. Xoxo'

Alex was about to call a taxi when she sees people in chaos. Everyone running, panicking, afraid of what's happening.

"Alex!" Supergirl arrived and told Alex of the dancing shadows and how it has caused accidents at National City. The latest report was at the airport and the NCPD was around the corner searching for the unusual shadow.

"People gets out of control of their shadows and it makes them do the things they don't want to do. We have to find it, Alex"

Alex nods and gets ready for battle. She was scanning the area but found nothing.

"Winn, have you found something?" she asked through the comms, running, looking for clues. Gun in her hands, in case.

"No, but I know that it's just one and that thing is taking control of all the other shadows causing destruction"

"How do we fight it?"

Alex hasn't heard what Winn said because she ran towards a speeding truck that seemed to be out of control.
"Thank you, Supergirl" as Supergirl stopped the truck and saw that the driver was on dazed and confused about what's happening around him.

Alex continued to run looking for that certain sly of darkness that's hiding behind the shadows in this intense heat of the sun.

Alex heard a gunshot towards her and was perplexed that it was Maggie who fired the gun.

"Maggie, what are you doing?!"Alex shouted, asking Winn for help and the agents but the NCPD was behind Maggie and they couldn't seem to take control of their Chief.

"Alex, she's out of control. We need to get her"

"No. Let me do this, Supergirl help them"Alex pointed at a school bus whose driver was also confused.

"Maggie!"Alex shouted and another shot towards her, "Maggie, can you hear me?!" another shot," Maggie!!!"

Alex has no other choice but to run towards Maggie and disarm her. She kicked the gun and it came flying. Still, out of control, Maggie fought back. Throwing punches and Alex was quick to counter the attack and corner her friend.

Alex was behind Maggie grasping her shoulder to prevent from attacking but Maggie's skin seemed to burn her so she let go immediately.

"Maggie, I know you're in there. Listen to me, fight this"Alex urged, they were at the middle of the road swinging at each other and Alex cried at every contact because Maggie's skin burned her and seems to be glowing.

"Winn, where's Supergirl?"Alex asked through the comms, looking for her sister while fighting, the agents and NCPD rescuing other people who were affected by this culprit.

"I...I'm here...I feel so weak. The sun's hurting me"Supergirl answered weakly, afraid that she can not help.

"Vasquez, get Supergirl and head back. I'll take this, leave Keaton and Aniston behind for back up" Alex said and sucker-punched Maggie, it hurts to see but she needs to do this.

Maggie's body is starting to tire and she can see it in her eyes possessed by someone they don't know but it continued fighting Alex. Alex kicks Maggie's stomach and sent her down. She quickly stood up and looked at Alex who was ready to go anytime now.

A possessed Maggie smiled and looked towards a speeding car coming to her but she doesn't move a muscle and Alex's eyes went wide seeing what's gonna happen and ran to save Maggie.


She pulled back Maggie and as they went down the ground, Alex screamed in pain.


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