Ep 3: Little Luthor

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"Winn, come on!"Supergirl said as she flew him and Maggie to the DEO. Alex mended Kelly's wound and they went to the DEO as well with Brainy and Nia.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Winn asked tears in his eyes. He doesn't know what to say. As soon as they were at medical, Kara lay Maggie down to be examined and treated.

Winn and Kara were pacing back and forth. Nervous about what could happen to their friend.

"Winn/Kara," they said in unison.

"I need to speak with you/I need to say something"

"If you two could wait, there's 99.82% chance of you understanding each other and not saying words in unison that others can not comprehend, "Brainy said and they both sighed. Kara was fidgeting with her nails and Winn was biting his, too.

"Okay, you first Kara Danvers"Brainy said and set Kara in the middle.

"No. I want to talk to you, Winn. In private"Brainy nods and the two look at him but he didn't say a thing.

"Oh, I'm not listening. Go on" He said and closed his eyes. Winn looked at Kara and pointed at the room behind where Brainy can not know where.

Kara nods and carefully walked to where Winn was going leaving Brainy behind. They think he's asleep already.


Alex looked at the glass where Kelly and Maggie are being treated. She asked if she could help but she was not allowed now that she's the director and knowing that Maggie was her ex-fiancé, Kara asked the director not to.

She smiled when she saw Kelly looking at her and waved. After being gauzed up, Kelly walked towards Alex.

"Never knew this would happen"

"Yeah, I'm so glad you're okay" Alex hugged Kelly and saw Maggie winced in pain as they try to stitch up her wound.

"Me too. Anyway, it's late and I need to go home to finish my work so, would you mind?"Kelly let go of the hug and gestured if Alex wants to accompany her or ask her to ride back to her apartment.

"No, it's okay. I'll just get Kara------"

"Agent Danvers, we need your help!"Vasquez shouted towards Alex and Alex felt nervous. She was looking at Vasquez and Kelly and she doesn't know where to go.

"Kelly, I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you"

"Yeah, sure" with a kiss on the cheek, Kelly was left and headed towards the exit feeling a bit of jealousy. She does know about Maggie and she knows that she was a big part of Alex's life but she doesn't wanna ruin it.

She doesn't wanna lose Alex so she nods and called an Uber.

Meanwhile, Alex was panicking at the sight of Maggie seizuring.

"Director, are you sure you can do this?"Keaton asked he saw the Director took a deep breathe and nods.

"I'm okay. I'm good. It's okay"

"Come on, Sawyer. Fight this" as she tries to steady her breathing while reviving Maggie.

"Come on, come on"

"Great job, Director Danvers"

"Yeah, great job"

Maggie's vitals were stable and she finished stitching up her wound. She never thought she could see her again. She never thought she could touch her again and be close to her like this again.

"Why now?" she asked, a tear trickle from her eyes and she was quick to brush it away. She swallowed her sobs and held Maggie's hand.

"Why now?"

"Alex?" Alex let go of Maggie's hand and ran towards Kara."Alex, it's okay. She's okay. It will be okay"

"Kara, I don't know what to do. I mean, why is she here? Why is she back here?"

"I don't know either but I know she's safe and you should take a rest"

Alex nods wiping her tears. She saw Winn also in tears and left without talking to him. She knew that Winn knows she's coming but he didn't say a word.

"Alex, wait!"Winn ran towards Alex but she was quick and closed the elevator door.

"God, Winn you are so stupid!" he said to himself. He went back to his computer and examined what attacked them at the alien bar.

It looked like it was an invisible one and just a flash of light was visible to the CCTV footage. When the door flew to Maggie, the light was gone and there were two aliens who stayed and watched. They were looking intently as if they are controlling it.

"Okay, got it! I got it!"Winn shouted and Kara was quick to respond.

Winn explained that the aliens were controlling something like themselves it seems like it's just their minds working and it was telepathic.

"So, how do we get them?"Kara asked if it is someone like Psi she couldn't do it alone with her bare hands.

"You need this"Winn put something in her head and an earpiece."I'll let you know of their activity, but for now, let's rest"

Kara understood Winn. They talked about Maggie going back to National City and that she got her job back but it's like she's the chief of police now.

Kara talked about how she saw Maggie and Lena as they hid together from the rogue alien attack but she doesn't know where they went.

Winn said that somehow she saw this coming but not like soon enough. They both said sorry to each other and agreed to not tell Alex unless she insists.


"Kelly, you're still here"

"Yes, I waited for you. My uber canceled. Figured I could use some ride?"

"I didn't bring my bike but we can walk to your apartment"


They were enjoying each other's company. Just talking while walking and casually flirting. Alex is happy and she feels that Kelly is happy too.

Kelly was nervous to ask about what happened back there.

"Alex, I know it's not my place to ask this and I can see the way you look at her but that was Maggie, right?" they stopped walking and faced each other. Alex anxious avoiding Kelly's gaze," your ex-fiancé"

"Yes. It was Maggie"Alex answered, breathing a sigh of relief," Kelly, you have nothing to worry about. It's all good, okay?"

"I know," Kelly said while smiling, she kissed Alex, a quick one. Alex was stunned and couldn't say a word.


"I'll see you"Kelly waved and walked towards her apartment. Kelly is sweet and kind. And Alex just can't figure out why her mind is racing right now. She can't figure out what makes it so hard to identify her feelings.


"Winn, can you trace Lena?"Kara inquired, it's a new day at the DEO. Everyone had a good rest except Kara who stayed at Maggie's side waiting for her to wake up so she could ask where Lena is.

"Uh, nope"punching to his keyboard, Winn looked at Kara worriedly, "but we could ask her when she wakes up" he pointed at Maggie who looked so peaceful in her sleep. The door must have hit her head so bad she's been asleep for 12 hours.

"But when is Maggie gonna wake up?" she walked towards Maggie's bed and found her phone lit up. She took the phone and saw that it has 5 missed calls and a text all from someone she doesn't expect would be in Maggie's contacts.

"Little Luthor?"

"Woah. I think I know who Little Luthor is. You know, Maggie calls you Little Danvers so I know who Little Luthor is. Wanna bet?"

"Winn, it's Lena. Look" she said showing the phone to Winn, "it's her. Why call Maggie?"

"I know we can deal with this but there's an alien attack in the city. You have to go"

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